What Is a Vampire Facial and Is It Worth Your Money?
If this is your first time hearing it, the vampire facial is a niche procedure that has been around for quite some time already. In fact, as early as 2013, Kim Kardashian posted on her Instagram a photo of her face all bloody, with the hashtag #VampireFacial.
The technical term of Vampire facial is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facial procedure. The vampire part is simply a marketing term to make it sound unique and memorable. Of course, there is also the fact that blood is involved.
The procedure is safe since the clinic will use your own blood. So, that will also take out the icky part. However, those who are uncomfortable with the sight of blood–even their own–may steer clear of the vampire facial.
Benefits of Vampire Facial
You may think to yourself why should you subject yourself to such a procedure? There are multiple benefits that you can enjoy with Vampire facial. Here are some of them:
- Promotes cell stimulation
- Reduces scars and wrinkles
- Tightens the pores
- Boosts collagen production
- Rejuvenates the skin, particularly under the eyes
- Plumps the cheeks or forehead (others go to the extreme procedure of getting fillers)
Even with the sight of blood, Vampire facial is not considered an invasive procedure, like you would a permanent body contouring.
So, if you heard about this method for the first time, it is natural to be anxious. But it is billed to be a painless procedure. The most a patient can feel would be slight discomfort. The only thing you need to be worried about is the blood.
How Much Does Vampire Facial Cost?
Now, for the cost. The procedure is not exactly for everybody. For instance, it will set you back between $1,000 and $1,400. A significant chunk of the cost involved the micro-needling process, which accounts for the blood.
The micro-needling procedure will usually cost about $800, while the succeeding PRP therapy will cost around an additional $500. The PRP is basically the method of extracting your blood, which will then be applied to your face.
The clinic will extract blood from your arm, about a vial’s worth of plasma. Then the blood will be separated to separate the platelets, which are rich in growth factors. The micro-needling is necessary for your face to absorb the blood better. Of course, the procedure is dangerous for people who have blood conditions, so be upfront with your doctor.
According to data, the cosmetic beauty industry was worth $532.4 billion in 2017. However, the market is expected to swell up to $805.6 billion in 2023, for a compound annual growth rate of 7.14% between 2018 and 2023.
Is it Worth Your Money?
Of course, for frugal moms, a Vampire facial seems like an extreme measure. You will certainly not consider this procedure if you are on a budget to pay off your debts.
With that said, we also could not blame others if they want to pamper themselves, especially if they have extra money. Those who underwent the procedure swear by the effectiveness of the therapy.
In the end, it still depends on you. If you are satisfied with the service and the results, then the price tag would be worth it. For others, there are skincare regimens out there that will help you save money in turn.