How Proactive Maintenance Can Rejuvenate Your Pond

The beauty of a water feature in the landscape inspires positive feelings in most passersby. A stagnant, murky pond generally has the opposite effect. If you have a hand in maintaining a pond, you know it takes some effort to keep it looking clear and beautiful. Properly maintaining your pond doesn’t just preserve its aesthetic qualities; it protects your property value and prevents unexpected, costly interventions. This discussion on basic planned maintenance may help you find the best approach to keeping your pond thriving.
Developing a maintenance plan for your pond is the best strategy for keeping it clear, healthy, and algae-free. Without regular maintenance, potentially harmful conditions can develop that prevent your aquatic asset from thriving. A simple pond management program is a good strategy for keeping your pond thriving for years to come. Your local water management specialist can help you develop a specific plan. The following three areas of pond management are essential to a scheduled maintenance program.
An adequate amount of dissolved oxygen is needed for a waterbody to thrive. Algae overgrowth and other aquatic problems can appear quickly if oxygen levels in the water are insufficient. Pond aerators and fountains are the best solutions to this problem. They work to mix air and water together in various ways to introduce more oxygen to the pond. Many sizes and types are available to suit different depths and types of ponds. Your local specialist as well as online retailers can help you choose the right pond aeration system for your unique situation.
Shoreline Maintenance
Shoreline erosion contributes to numerous aquatic problems, such as sediment buildup and chemical infiltration. It can also diminish your property value. A vigorous barrier of perennial flowers and native grasses helps stabilize the water’s edge and works to protect the longevity of the overall ecosystem.
Nutrient Balance
The birds, fish, and decomposing plants in your pond provide necessary nutrients that can help mitigate algae overgrowth, as long as the nutrient balance is optimal. Undesirable infiltration of landscape chemicals can threaten the nutrition balance in the water. Using organic or chemical nutrient-balancing agents can reduce algae growth significantly. It may be helpful to have the water tested by a specialist to inform your pond’s nutrition program.
If you have a hand in caring for a body of water, your good stewardship will be rewarded by a sparkling, clear pond year-round. Proper management can mean the difference between a pleasant evening walk around the pond and an unsightly, muddy mess. Regular maintenance of your pond is the best way to prevent unexpected problems and unwelcome expenses.