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This Is How To Protect Your Privacy Online

This Is How To Protect Your Privacy Online

Protecting your privacy and the privacy of your family online is crucial. Read about how to protect your privacy online below. 

Be mindful of what you share online 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are set up to encourage and reward us to share as much of our lives as possible online. Unfortunately, as well as all the likes and shares we can get, there are some downsides to consider as well. 

First of all, it’s also important not to share too many personal details like addresses and phone numbers online, as you are not in control of who has access to this information. Additionally, if you share on social media that you are going on vacation before you go, you are advertising to the world that there will be no one in your home for an extended amount of time. Valuable information indeed for those looking to break in and commit burglary. 

Remember, even showing too much of your home in photos and videos online could cause problems with people finding the best way to illegally enter, or seeing items that motivate them to steal. 

Use 2FA (Two-factor authentication) 

Another great way you can protect your privacy online is to prevent anyone from gaining unauthorized access to any of your accounts. Currently, the best way to do this is not only to use a strong password but to deploy two-factor authentication or 2FA as it is also known. 

2FA is a method that many online sites and apps now use to verify that the person attempting to log into the account is the person who owns the account. They do this by requiring a code that has to be sent via an additional contact method such as a text. The idea is that it’s unlikely someone would have access to both your password and your phone if they were not the account holder. It’s pretty simple to activate 2FA on most accounts, too; just go to the Settings area of your profile and change it from there. 

Use a VPN 

You can also use a VPN or virtual private network to help maintain your privacy online, and you can read this express vpn review for an example of a good provider. VPNs are great because they can help maintain your privacy with ISP (internet service providers) and even employees. The latter is very helpful for digital nomads that have not told their employers they are working outside of their home country. 

Of course, the most common question that is asked is, can VPN be tracked when it comes to these types of services? Unfortunately, the answer can be a bit more complicated than yes or no, and it’s worth investigating the type of protection that the service you choose provides you. 

Educate your kids on how to set their accounts to private 

Last of all, when it comes to privacy online, it’s crucial that you educate your kids on good internet practices. This means talking to them about not sharing personal information or contact details with strangers, including giving them access to their online messaging services. 

Additionally, it can be very helpful to go through how your child can set their online accounts to private with them, as this will provide another layer of protection when it comes to privacy. 

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