The Last in The Series from Author John Choquette
I have really enjoyed having John guest post on the blogs the last few weeks. I hope you will enjoy what he has written. Looking forward to working with him in the near future.
It’s the end of May! I can’t believe it! Thank you to everyone who has followed the series so far. Whether it’s your fourth week, or your first week, you are AWESOME! Becoming an author has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. When I created Burlwood Forest, I did it to escape to a far away world. I never imagined that the greatest magic would happen outside of that, right here! The times that I’ve had with you, the reader, have been amazing. I’ve come to find out that this isn’t just my journey. It’s ours, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
For my final post, I wanted to give you an idea of where the series is going next. In the first week, I talked a little bit about who I am and why I decided to become a writer. In week two, I talked about the idea of Burlwood Forest and where it came from. And last week, on Reading with Frugal Mom, I talked about business and self-publishing. Heavy stuff!
I have big plans for Burlwood Forest. As you probably know by now, it isn’t just a book, it’s a series. But it’s not really a series either, it’s a universe, with its own unique characters and personalities. I intentionally created it that way. I want Burlwood Forest to be an immersive experience. From licensing, to a second edition, to a full blown brand with widespread distribution, the possibilities are limitless and exciting. There are so many books out there that are just that, books. You come away from them feeling accomplished, yet completely unsatisfied. When I wrote Burlwood Forest, I had to ask myself two main questions-
How can I truly get to know a world when I just see a glimpse of it? And why should I care about characters that I barely know?
I didn’t want my book to be that way. When the series finally ends, and I don’t know when that will be, I want you to come away knowing that you were part of something. Call it a movement, call it whatever you want, but I want to make a difference. Whether it’s introducing a child to the joy of reading that will last a lifetime, or showing an adult that it’s okay to have a little fun, I just want to share this gift with as many people as possible.
In the next few months that will involve a lot of different things. To confirm the rumors from last week’s post, yes, there is another trilogy in the works. Don’t expect it to be the same as Burlwood Forest though. I have a lot of new storylines that I want to explore. New situations. Dangerous enemies. It’s going to be a lot of fun! I’m also looking into an audio book, a full-blown book tour, and a much larger program for schools. I may also release book two, you never know. And as if that isn’t enough, I’m already a few chapters into another series, this one much darker and more complex. I can’t share too much information about it yet, but trust me. You’ll like it.
I’m so thankful for the opportunity to share my story with you. I truly hope you’ve gotten something out of it. I know I have! I can’t wait to see where Burlwood Forest goes next. Join me, and we’ll get there together!
JOHN CHOQUETTE is the author of Burlwood Forest, and the owner of Pumpernickel Art, a lifestyle design and publishing company founded in 2014. His work has appeared in numerous online and print publications, and he is currently a writer for an emerging music web site. He received a B.A. in journalism from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and lives in the Triangle area with his amazing wife. To learn more about Burlwood Forest, check it out online at Burlwood Forest, on Twitter @burlwoodforest, and on Facebook. Burlwood Forest is available on Amazon.
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