
The First Day Of Your New Child

The First Day Of Your New Child from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom
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When a baby is born, the first 24 hours are crucial. Even if your baby seems calm and content in your arms, the doctors and nurses have a right to check on the little one every hour or half-hour. This is because the baby’s immune system is being challenged for the very first time. It’s the first time the baby’s body has been outside of the whom and is adjusting to normal room temperature. Not to mention, it’s the first time the baby is wearing clothes, so the sensitivity of the skin is going to fluctuate. On top of all of this, you have to also consider how the baby is reacting to different smells, sounds, pressure from being held or changed, etc. This is why it’s vital that your doctor and nurses are on the ball all the time.

Different textures

When you are expecting your baby to be born, you have to bring along multiple different cloths, towels, and baby clothes. This is because your baby might not react well to certain materials and textures. Usually, it’s not a big concern at all, but you never know. So bring along a cotton blanket, wool blanket, linen blanket, and a synthetic blanket such as polyester. This should be done for all the clothes you are bringing along. Yes, it’s a lot to carry with you in and out of the hospital, but you can never be too cautious for the first 24 hours. It can be said that you should also bring a smooth and soft texture to all your clothes, i.e. no bumps, ridges, patterns, etc. This is so the baby’s skin isn’t irritated by uneven pressure.

Checking up hourly

The doctor or nurse should come in every hour to check on your baby, whether he is being fed by you, sleeping, or just contently awake. If this does not occur, you should make a fuss and get the healthcare professionals to do their duty. The issue is, there might be other people giving birth and there could be a busy day in the emergency room. Nevertheless, the hospital has to accommodate new parents with enough staff to make hourly checks. If not, this can result in your baby suffering from any number of health issues that may be things like an ear infection, skin irritation, irregular heartbeat, etc. If things like this do happen, you have every right to make contact with medical malpractice attorneys and tell them about your mistreatment and subsequent consequences for your baby’s health.

Get some sleep

You have to get used to the new rule; if the baby is sleeping then the mother is sleeping. It’s time to get some rest so your body is able to make feed for your baby, heal and lower your stress levels. So bring along your own pillows and sheets so you can get shut-eye without being uncomfortable. Every hour of rest in the first 24 hours will help you immensely for the rest of the first week.

The first day of your baby’s life is incredible yet touch and go. Make every preparation you can and enjoy it.

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