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Take the Cake Decorating Classes Sydney and Make it Yourself

Test your creativity and have more than something beautiful to show for it: you can make your cake and eat it, too: get mad skills from cake-decorating classes.

 sydneyImage by jujuishappy via Flickr


Paul Feig’s raunchy 2011 film “Bridesmaids” garnered a ton of laughs, thanks to witty writing and wry performances given by brave actresses who weren’t afraid to portray characters at their worst. The eponymous ladies didn’t recognize social boundaries, took jealousy too far, and were physically felled by food poisoning, battling explosive diarrhoea, while trying on bridesmaid gowns at a fancy shop.

Still, the film was not without poignancy. There was a moment when very downcast Annie Walker (Kristen Wiig) was exhausted by the turn of events dictated by the relentless plot. Annie walks into her kitchen, alone, and in a remarkable dialogue-less scene begins to bake. Surprisingly, the batter she mixes seems too slight. It’s soon revealed that she’s actually making a cupcake. But she doesn’t leave it at that. She carefully crafts a beautiful, multi-coloured frosted floral design on her singular cupcake, and the audience is treated to viewing skills, which have lain dormant since her bakery business went bust. She’s meticulous, as she crafts what is clearly a delicious sweet treat. Wiig’s Annie lifts the edible art, admires it briefly, and then stuffs it in her mouth. It is almost as satisfying for the audience as is evident for Annie. In the scene’s few moments, Wiig offers a raw and bold glimpse into the lead character, who’s already revealed herself to be prickly, petty and pernicious.

Bridesmaids” demonstrates how cake decorating can be restorative therapy, how the art form has evolved, how you can make something that not only looks precious, but tastes wonderful. It’s almost a cure all.

And taking cake decorating classes Sydney may be just what you need. Making beautiful baked goods will not only make you extremely popular with your crowd, but it gives you a chance to express your creativity. You are going to make your cake and eat it, too. And it will be beautiful.

Old-School Betty Baker

Just because you can open a box of cake mix (now available a huge variety of flavours from white to chocolate, red-velvet to lemon, key-lime to pumpkin, angel’s food to devil’s food), add eggs, oil, and mix together; pour batter into a pan and bake — doesn’t make you a cake baker. You’re not qualified, as much as you might believe, to audition for one of the many popular cooking/baking television shows. Luckily, while you’re friends are taking extension classes to learn to do their own taxes and to craft outdoor lamps made of paper, you can extend your own skills by taking a cake-decorating class.

Cake decorating can’t be equated or even categorized with other types of cooking, despite what you might learn from television. There’s a precision to baking. Measurements must exact, unlike with stew or casserole cookery, where you can taste and season repeatedly. You have to learn how to portion ingredients – a forgotten element won’t just leave a baked good tasting odd, it can cause any number of disastrous results i.e. cakes that won’t set, cakes that fall, and many other mishaps.

Cake Basics

Cake decorating classes Sydney can be found by searching online. A popular location is the Sydney-based, Planet Cake. They offer several classes starting with the 10-course basics, which begins with the simplest shape (round) to the more complicated. It’s considered an essential course for the budding baker.

Novelty Numbers

The Novelty series is another set of 10 classes teaching students how to build the internal structure of a cake, and how to make a simple 2D novelty shape (a face). As with the Basics, these classes grow increasingly difficult as more skills are added in the lessons. Students learn the importance of the internal structure to novelty cakes.


Finally, there are the Specialty cake classes which include round and square, as well as beginner cupcakes, beginning piping, big flower, little flower, bride and groom figurines, a novelty speciality (Noah’s Ark), ruffles, petit stencil and lustre, stiletto and more, including holiday themed treats. Private lessons are also available.

Taking cake-decorating classes Sydney encompasses a whole lot of good – and, there’s a therapeutic result, in which you create something beautiful and tangible and edible.



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