Purex Ultra Packs Making Laundry Easier
Purex has long been the favorite laundry detergent in our household. I discovered it when Maddie was kindergarten. She is now a junior in high school. So whenever they come out with something new I love to try it out.
This February Purex released a new product, Purex Ultra Packs is a convenient laundry detergent. What is this exactly? Basically laundry has just become easier. You start your washer throw in an Ultra Pack than your laundry and just wait for the washing machine to finish it. The only thing missing from this that would be if they invented something to fold and put away the laundry.
I was surprised how easy the Ultra pack worked and that I could not tell the difference from loads using another form of Purex and this this form. It even got Maddie, my sixteen year old doing laundry on her own. Now that is a miracle in itself.
Here is a heads up for you Purex will be bringing back their free samples. You can request a free sample by going to Purex.Now I love that. Purex is the preferred laundry detergent in this Frugal Mom’s house.
Purex provided me a free sample of their Ultra Packs laundry detergent so I could write a review. However all of the opinions expressed are my own.
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