Meet Molly Stillman

March is Women’s History Month. Last year I did a series about where I highlighted women sharing their favorite picture of themselves, you can check it out here. This year, I decided I wanted to feature women in business. Instead of writing their stories I decided to have them answer some questions for me. Today you are going to be meeting my dear friend. So sit back and meet Molly Stillman.

Tell me a little bit about you.
I am a follower of Jesus, a wife to John, mom to Lilly and Amos here on earth and Elijah and Malachi in heaven, a drinker of Diet Coke and an eater of all the Chipotle burritos.
Tell me about your business.
I am a content creator, writer, and podcaster! I have been blogging since 2007 (long before that if you count my LiveJournal!!) and I have been podcasting since 2016. I have always loved to write and create and so blogging and podcasting became natural outlets for me.
What struggles have you faced in your business?
Honestly, I have really ebbed and flowed over the years and had seasons of “success” and seasons of “struggle.” This year has actually been a big season of refinement where I’m learning what I really want to pursue more in my business and what I feel like I might need to let go of. I can’t do it all and do it well, so it’s important for me to be able to let some things go when the time is right. BUT, that’s not always easy!
How have you overcome those struggles?
Staying true to my core values and my core passions. If something doesn’t feel right anymore, I lean into that. I spend time in prayer, asking trusted people in my life what they think, and I really try to figure out what might need to change. Change means that you’re going to have to get uncomfortable because when you’re uncomfortable it means things have to change.
Who were your mentors growing up?
My mom, for sure. She was someone who lived such a selfless life full of integrity, honesty, leadership, love, and humor. I hope I’m half the woman she was.
If you were to give advice to a woman going into the field you are in what would it be?
Stay true to yourself. This sounds cliche but truly, don’t look at what everyone else is doing and think you have to measure up or do what they are doing. There’s only one you… be YOU. Create content unique to YOU.
Have you found that being a woman in your field is harder or easier? Tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of being a woman.
A little of both… the hard parts come when it comes to EARNING and knowing my worth and standing my ground. I’ve had some crazy experiences over the course of 13/14 years where I’ve had men be condescending to me or try to undercut me when I know I’m worth more than that. In other aspects, I love being in a field where there are a lot of amazing, smart, and supportive women!
Have you ever have to overcome a hostile work environment?
Yes! I just kept my head down, worked hard, and was always positive wherever I could be. And then I got the heck out of there… haha!!
What made you decide on your chosen field?
I was an English major in college with a concentration in creative writing. I’ve always loved to write and so again, creating just came naturally to me. I love being able to share my thoughts / feelings / emotions and LIFE through the written word.
Anything else you would care to share.
You are amazing just the way you are.
Molly Stillman is the founder and creator of Still Being Molly, a life and style blog started in 2007, and the host of the Business with Purpose podcast. Her true passion lies in helping inspire women to know that they were created on purpose, with a purpose, and for a purpose. Molly has had the honor of collaborating with brands such as Stitch Fix, Target, Elegantees, The Root Collective, Sseko Designs, Noonday Collection, and more. She is honored to have been featured in such publications and media as US News & World Report, Scary Mommy, The 700 Club, Cary Magazine, and was named as one of “the Carolina’s 75 Most Stylish People” by Carolina STYLE Magazine. She is a wife to John, mama to Lilly and Amos, dog mom to Tater and Audrey, a loud laugher, lover of Jesus, Diet Coke and all of the Chipotle burritos. You can find her on the internets at
I love that she has written for so long. She is very talented and a beautiful soul.
Yes she is for sure.