Life Reimagined Life Coaching At It’s Best
This post is sponsored by Vocalpoint and Life Reimagined. All opinions are my own.

As I have said before life is getting busy, and the blog is growing by leaps and bounds but so is my disorganization. I don’t know how many times I have had to stop and take time out of my day to find something. Whether it was information for a blog post, a receipt, checking if I got paid for a post, or to hunt for my mini iPad. ( Still haven’t found that one yet.) And it is only going to get busier as soccer season is about to start. And I can tell you that we average 2-3 games a week with both Mikaela’s and Railhawks games. So when I was offered a chance to have a session with a life coach at Life Reimagined® I went for it.
I know you are probably asking yourself what is a life coach? A life coach helps you with specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions, and transitions in your personal life, relationships, or profession. They do this by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.
And I am glad I did. I learned so much from this session. I will admit that I was a little apprehensive about the session as well as excited. I wasn’t sure what to start with or even how the session would go. What I did find helpful to before my session I was asked to fill out my success map. Basically, it was about what I found most important in my life.

Then I had to make an appointment with a life coach. I tried several times to make an appointment, but it seemed like the life coaches were booked. Finally, I was able to make an appointment one Sunday night for the following Wednesday at 2 p.m. In my mind, I thought that was the perfect time as both younger girls would be at school and hubby would be at work. But I totally forgot Mikaela got out at 1:15 that day and Gracie and Raul both had dentist appointments that day. Factor in the UPS man coming and Allie trying to act like a fierce dog and barking her head off it was an eventful appointment. But enough about the interruptions back to the appointment.

As soon as I logged into my session, I totally felt at ease. Connie, as she told me to call her was very easy to talk to and had so much experience running her own business that I learned a ton from her.
She gave me a ton of suggestions that I have already started putting into place. One thing is that I have hired Gracie, my 13-year-old, to file for me one day a week for an hour. I wish that she could do more but even an hour helps me out.
I have also started to implement spreadsheets to keep track of deadlines as well as payments. I haven’t found the exact system I like yet but I know that having a printable wasn’t doing it for me as I would forget to write things down or say I would do it later and never do it. Now when I have to record a payment I just immediately click over the excel spreadsheet a record it. I know you are probably asking what kind of information do I record on it. The title of post or ad, invoice number, date payment was requested, date payment was made, email address of contact, whether or not I had problems getting payment, the amount of the payment and also if there were any fees associated with the payment.
This list has been a lifesaver, and I can keep track of stories I need to work on as well as things that I need to accomplish. I also have an updated calendar that helps me to keep track of deadlines as well as soccer games. LOL yep it is all about priorities.
I will tell you that this coaching session from Life Reimagined was just what the doctor ordered. I think this was probably one of the most successful hours I have spent online. And I can’t wait, to put all the items we talked about in place.