Just a Simple Wooden Cross
I have gotten where lately I will ride with my hubby when he does errands after work. I didn’t use to but there is something about having the truck makes me think about the future, be in the present and reflect on the past. Today was one of those days, we went to get dinner at Chic- Fil- A. It was a little bit of a drive for us since the one in our town has been closed for renovations. I have been wanting a market salad for a while. So off we went to grab dinner and on the way home that is when we encounter the simple wooden cross.
The cross was an intersection marking where I assume someone’s life has been lost due to a wreck. I can’t help but think about the life lost at that corner. Not only about how old they were but even they were able to achieve all that they wanted before they were taken from this world. It wasn’t until we were further down the road that it hit me. And it made huge impact – it wasn’t just a cross symbolizing where someone took their last breath but it was a reminder to others to live their lives to the fullest and with no regrets.
I will admit that when I first saw the cross I immediately thought of the one thing people think of when they see crosses and that is Jesus and his death for our sins. And I almost took a picture to post it on social media but something stopped me. Sometimes the things we see in real life are just a message for us and we need to honor that. Sure I am sharing how the cross impacted me here but I am not doing it for likes or clicks – I am doing it to share how I have been in such a funk lately. I guess when we got sick (bronchitis kicks my butt every time I get it) it has taken me a while to get back in the groove. And guess what nobody other than my immediate family even noticed that I went missing for a while on social and I haven’t done a Chats from the Blog Cabin since last December.
I know everyone goes through seasons like this and I will admit in the past I have too. But I guess the hardest thing for me is that nobody reached out and said hey what’s up? I realized after that my focus needs to be on my immediate family and getting my house in order so to speak. I have been working on overhauling aka redecorating the house and have finally got my butt in gear to get some projects done, And I am actually writing a book as well as feeling my creativity flowing again.
It is hard getting back in the saddle after several months of not wanting to do anything except binge watch shows on television. That simple wooden cross that I saw today sparked something in my soul. It sparked not only this post (immediately in mind and that hasn’t happened in months) but also a new sense of acceptance for myself and how I feel.
It also brought me back to a time when the girls were little I wanted a display in my yard for Easter. I had my husband fashion 3 crosses so that people that passed by the house could see. I wanted to make an impact but I think the biggest impact came when my hubby ( who by the way is a saint as he puts up with all my crazy ideas) started to hammer the crosses into the ground. The sound that hammer hitting wood made hit me in my soul. I felt it and all I could think of how much greater Jesus must have felt it. ( The difference was I wasn’t being hung on the cross but HE was). Can you imagine knowing that you are going to die for something you did not do but still have the faith that HE had to endure the punishment of death for all of us. Wow right!!
So as you can see that simple wooden cross made a huge impact more than once in my life. And I am sure it will probably show up again. Just remember something as simple as SIMPLE WOODEN CROSS on the side of road can impact your life and can change the direction of your life.