Interview with Author Nadja Notarini

Recently I had the chance to review the Book The Third Fate youcan read my review here. Here is the interview I did with the author Nadja Notarini.

If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future?
I’d be off to the past, hopefully able to make multiple stops.  I’d hit ancient Greece, if for no other reason than to don a lovely white robe and elaborate head-dress.  Ha!  Seriously…I’d warn Alexander.
‘DO NOT drink that poison.’ 
Then he’d lavish me with wealth and gifts for saving his life – it’s my fantasy, darn it;  I’ll have my happy ending! 
Then I’d be off to Rome…Were Romulus and Remus really the bad boys myth avers?
I’ve always had a ‘historical crush’ on Cyrus The Persian!  I’d want to discover if the man measured up to the legend! 
Barbary Pirates…Sounds like a visit of debauched …er…pillaging!
If you could invite any 5 people to dinner who would you choose?
My sisters (I have four of them) and my mom.  We gals have a good time…especially with a bottle of wine over dinner!  :}
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you want with you?
A cozy, fully-stocked-with-the-necessities cabana.
A big, strapping, alpha-male (Highlander a bonus) completely undone by my feminine wiles.  (I’m not sure I have feminine wiles…or know how to use them properly…but we’re talking about my perfect world, right?)
Shelves and shelves of books for when I send said Highlander out for provisions and what-not. 
What is one book everyone should read?
I’m not convinced there is one book that will speak to all readers, so I struggle to answer this question. I’ve decided to break it down into categories to help myself out…
Religion-  Complete Jewish Bible, by David Stern, because it speaks to the souls of men.
Romance– Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen.  Darcy and Elizabeth have never been unseated as my favorite romance couple.
Humor– A Year Of Living Biblically, A.J. Jacobs.  I laughed my unmentionables off reading this. 
Classic– A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court.  Great humor and sarcasm is found in Twain’s writing, two things I much enjoy.
Biography– Reagan’s War, Peter Schweizer.  I never knew how interesting and fascinating Ronald Reagan’s life was until I read this wonderful biography.
I think I’ll leave it at that.  I could go on and on…
If you were a superhero what would your name be?
Oh, My!  I’m snorting my laughter…Me??  A Superhero??  Oy Vey!
Okay…I’d be ‘The Klutzy Coagulator’…because I’d thicken the blood of all men men in my path when I toppled to the sidewalk in front of them whilst trying to walk in those darned high-heeled boots they’re always making female superheroes wear.  Ha!  
Just as they leapt to rescue the damsel in distress…I’d spring my superhero powers on them…you know….first disarm, then conquer.
If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
Well…it’s not really a superpower, per se.  Have you ever seen the movie ‘Limitless’.  If you haven’t, I recommend it.  It sparked some very interesting discussion with my teen-aged son.  Anyway…I’d so take the drug in the movie.  It unlocked the mind’s true potential – and that appealed to me in an unexpected way.  With a drug like that, you’d be able to figure out a way around needing the drug …and truly become ‘Limitless’.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
We have a local dairy that makes a flavor I adore!  Fluff-a-nutter.  It’s banana ice-cream with marshmallow ripples and peanut butter chunks.  Delish!
In the more traditional flavors you find in the grocery store, I usually go for mint-chocolate-chip or vanilla. 
If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose?
I think I’d choose King David.  He was a king, a shepherd, a warrior, and a lover, who it is written is a ‘man after G-D’s own heart’.  He wrote poetry, lost a young son, had a friend killed, and slayed a giant.  I could learn a thing or two from a guy like that.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Two over-easy eggs, toast, ketchup, home-fries, coffee with a hint of cinnamon and cream is what starts my morning off on the right note.
Night owl, or early bird?
Night owl all the way. 
One food you would never eat?
Bugs/worms of any kind are a food group I don’t think I possess the ‘chutzpah’ to ingest.  Just thinking about it gives me the shivers.   
Pet Peeves?
Meanness, bitterness, jealousy.  I say these three words because I find they are essentially one entity, an entity that once coddled in a heart spews unrest and disquiet in all it oozes over.  It hates peace, kindness, and acceptance.  It destroys – both the body and mind it festers within – and the unfortunate victim of its ugly manifestations. 
Skittles or M&Ms?
M&M’s. Preferably peanut. 
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
If, like most readers, you savor those spare moments lost in a romance, defying fate, vanquishing evildoers, or yearning for unbridled passion, escape awhile into The Third Fate.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you for featuring me and my new book, The Third Fate, today at Frugal Mom! I can honestly say you asked me the most unique questions of my tour so far! It was great fun to answer them.
    Best of everything to you, Nadja

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