Happy Birthday to My Beautiful Daughter
Today my middle daughter is turning 14. Happy Birthday, Mikaela. Just wanted to share with you some pictures to show her off.
Here she was celebrating her birthday 10 years ago. This was the year she became a big sister.
Here she is with her older sister. Everybody asks if they are twins. Difficult to believe that they are 2 1/2 years apart.
Here she is in September. She has grown up to be an amazingly beautiful young lady. There are many ways you can also make your daughter’s birthday memorable. If you are looking for some happy birthday gifts for your daughter then check these birthday gift ideas for your daughter to make her day special.
I still can’t believe how much she has grown in the last few years. She has struggled with ADHD since she was in first grade.But she has learned to take each day as a new step into a better life that is free from Ritalin. But she is determined to not be dependent on ADHD medicine for the rest of her life. Even though it might take her longer to finish her homework, she still felt that a life without these mood altering drugs was the right decision for her.
She is more of an adult than most of the adults I know. At 14, she knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it.
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