GP: Decorating Master Bedroom on a Budget

Today I am very honored to have Cindi from Down Home Magazine guest blogging today. She did an incredible job on her Master Bedroom makeover. She always inspire me to be creative.

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Finally, after 15 years, I thought I would decorate our master bedroom. {on a budget, of course} When it came to the dressing area, I wanted to use my costume jewelry, scarves and other vintage items that I have collected over the years to be a centerpiece in the area. I had seen many examples using frames and being the frame collector I am, I had plenty to choose from. I shop thrift stores and yards sales and vintage and antique stores all the time and run into bargains – real steals – now and then. When I do, I snap up whatever it is and bring it home…most of those ‘whatevers” are vintage jewelry and accessories and frames. I had three different frames, one ornate, one rather plain and an oval one and transformed them into something to display my loved items on in the dressing area – all for less than $20. All you need is some lace, or dollar a can spray paint, chicken wire or cork board or burlap…or a combination of any of these. You be creative and choose what fits your personality. Me? I went with black sophisticated burlap and pressboard for my bracelets and vintage broaches – chicken wire and bright yellow paint for my hats and pins and classic grey spray paint with lace for my earrings.

What are you waiting for, GET BUSY CREATING!

1st photo is before.

cindi before


This is after.

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For the oval frame, first I wiped frame down, sprayed it with the grey spray paint. Let Dry and then, I cut the lace trim to fit from side to side. Using a hot glue gun, I carefully glued the lace on each side. Lace trim should have little eyelets so you can hang earrings through the eyelets.

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For the black frame with the fleur de leaf pattern, simply paint your frame with dollar can spray paint. Take the portrait that is already in the frame, or cut one to size if one is not included and wrap it with your choice of burlap. Secure the burlap to the board or portrait with a hot glue gun from the back. Insert the panel into the opening of the frame. Place pushpins evenly on the board for you to hang things on.

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The basic bright yellow frame is a little more dangerous. lol – You need to use caution when cutting chicken wire – it can cut you. Use gloves, please. Measure the opening of your frame. Cut your chicken wire about a quarter inch larger so you will have extra wire to nail to your frame. Paint your frame your color of choice…I sanded it down to give it a weathered look. using small nailed, hammer your wire to the back of the frame…bend the nailed over the wire if you need to. Do this all the way around until all the wire is attached.

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