Ensuring Your Family is Protected in Case of a Death

Nobody likes to think about their own death, especially if you have dependents such as young children. After all, you will no doubt worry about what would happen if you suffered a sudden death. While you can’t protect your family from grief, you can take steps to help them after you die, so here are some things you should sort out today.
Pre-plan your funeral
A funeral is a good opportunity for people to say goodbye. But it can be distressing for people to plan a funeral, and it’s much easier if everything is pre-planned while you’re still alive. That way, your family knows they’re doing the right thing, and don’t need to sort everything out. Working with Sydney’s best funeral home from AFS allows you to pre-plan, and even pre-pay for your funeral. When the time comes, your family simply needs to call up to notify the funeral director, and they take care of the entire process.
Take out life insurance
What would your family do without your contribution to the home? Whether you’re the breadwinner or a stay-at-home parent, if you’re not around, your family will either need money to replace your income, or to hire people to do the things you do daily. You should look for a life insurance policy that’ll cover their needs after you’re gone for a certain period of time. Most people choose larger policies if they have smaller children, then reduce them as the kids get older, but there are lots of options.
Keep your paperwork in order
It’s always a good idea to put your important paperwork and documents in an easy to find place. While you may keep the originals elsewhere, somewhere in your house you should have copies of:
- Your passport or driving license
- Bank statements or details
- Utility bills or other proof of name or address
- Your will
You should also make sure someone in your family knows where your will is filed, so that they can easily get a copy of it. If someone dies, it’s stressful to have to hunt down paperwork such as wills. Making sure the information is all in one place can help a lot when people are dealing with the stress of a death.
Make sure people know what to do if the worst happens
A lot of the time, a sudden death is made worse by the fact people simply don’t know what to do. After all, nobody ever tells us how to deal with a death, so it’s common for people to feel very overwhelmed and unable to get things organized. Luckily, there’s lots of information on how to report a death and deal with the admin on most government websites, which can help you get things in order. There can also be a lot of financial struggles when death occurs, as funeral arrangements can be very expensive. What most people don’t know, is you can apply to claim your inheritance settlement in advance of actually receiving it so that you don’t need to worry about costs during a difficult time. Make sure your spouse or other next of kin knows how to access this information.
While you shouldn’t obsess over what would happen post-death, it’s a good idea to get some things in order before you die for your own peace of mind.