How to Determine the Real Cause of an Excessive Hair Loss

How to Determine the Real Cause of an Excessive Hair Loss from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women. It can be caused by genetics, aging, or certain medical conditions. Fortunately, there are now treatments available to help restore hair growth and improve the appearance of thinning hair. Hair restoration is one of the most popular treatments for those suffering from hair loss, as it can provide natural-looking results with minimal downtime. The hair transplant recovery time is much longer, but the results are more long-term for more serious cases of balding.

There are numerous reasons why someone loses his or her hair, so determining the real cause is often a very challenging thing to do. It requires careful examination and checking out several things first. To correctly identify the actual reason for hair loss you have to examine several important factors. As soon as you determine the cause, the next step is to find a proper way to minimize or completely stop hair loss. The truth is that all people lose a certain amount of hair every day. Some days we lose more hair than others, but losing hair is something ordinary. However, if the hair loss is excessive, then it is very likely that there is a hidden cause for it.

Spotting it is not hard as you will immediately notice that the hair is dropping at a rapid rate. If you notice more significant amounts of hair on your comb or brush, then you might have a problem. You can also see whether you suffer from hair loss if you check out your pillow when you wake up in the morning. Even if your hair feels lighter and thinner, then that is usually an indicator that you are losing your hair. Sometimes the signs of hair loss are visible, for example, if there are substantial round patches on your scalp. Hormonal changes are often the reason for hair loss, especially in young adults and teenagers, but adults can also experience it.

Many experts suggest that baldness and hair loss appears because of genetic reasons. So if some of your immediate relatives, parents, or grandparents have suffered from baldness, then the chances are high that you might be affected by the same condition as well. You need to discuss this with your doctor who will be able to determine the real cause of hair loss. Today there are many medical treatments with which the actual reason can be determined, so make sure you talk about this with a medical professional.

Visit your dermatologist or doctor, and he will be able to examine your scalp and check out your hair follicles for possible problems. If your hair follicles have different sizes, then that could mean that you might be losing hair due to hereditary reasons. Sometimes doctors perform a scalp biopsy to correctly determine the real cause, or you might be subject to blood testing for some possible causes to be ruled out. Anyhow, identifying the real cause of hair cause cannot be performed on your own, and you need help and guidance from a doctor or dermatologist.

A thing to have in mind is that sometimes it is caused because of certain medications. Some prescribed drugs affect hair quality and may lead to hair-dropping. Medications that directly lead to hair loss are for example cancer treatment drugs. Epilepsy medications, arthritis drugs, blood pressure medication, medication for lowering cholesterol, and thyroid medication are also known to cause hair loss in people. If none of that applies directly to you, then there are several other causes that you can discuss with medical experts. For example, stress is a fairly common factor for hair loss in people. If you have problems with your thyroid gland, then you are likely to experience hair loss because of that because your hormonal levels are out of balance. Anemia, diabetes, and certain autoimmune conditions are a few other causes that can be determined by an examination performed by a doctor.

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