Cute Valentine Survival Kits
These are so awesome and so easy to prepare:
Sweets for the Sweet #1
Reminders of why I love you:
Sweet Escapes- for those times we spend alone
Candle- you are the light of my life
Peppermint Patty- for the cool sensations you give me
Stick of gum- for all the times you’ve stuck by me
Matches- we are a perfect match
Charmin Tissue- you are too irresistible NOT to squeeze
Mounds- for the mounds of love I feel for you….
Hugs and Kisses- [your name]
Sweets for the Sweet #2
Jolly Rancher – all the times you’ve made me laughSweet Escapes – the special times we spend aloneHugs & Kisses – yours are simply the best!
100,000 dollar bar – worth more than a grand to me.
Peppermint Patty – for the cool “SENSATIONS” you give me
Skittles – for the rainbow of excitment we share
a balloon – that you remind me to always reach for the sky
cotton ball – to help soften the rough times.
Charmin Tissue – you are to irresistable NOT to squeeze…. lol
popcorn – cause you keep popping in to my thoughts
small glasses{{like used on dolls}} – to always help me to SEE clearly needle and thread=that binds us together
a Match – we are a perfect “match”
pom-pom ball – for the warm fuzzies you create.
a rose {{real or silk}}- hand picked for perfection as I picked you..if silk so it will last forever like us.
a box of RED HOTS… for my body gets hot when I’m with you!
LIGHTER in it .. for you light up my life
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