Believe : A Must See Family Movie

I received a complimentary copy for the sole purpose of this review. All opinions are my own. 


One Thursday night a few weeks ago, my middle daughter, Mikaela and her boyfriend Lyman, as well as myself sat down to watch television. Usually, we check out NetFlix to try to find something to watch. But this Thursday was a little bit different.

We popped popcorn and settled down to watch the movie, “Believe”. Never heard of it before? To be honest with you, I hadn’t heard of it either until it was sent to me by a PR rep. Here is a little bit about the movie.


For years, the small town of Grundy, Virginia has relied on the Peyton family to provide the highlight of the year—the annual Christmas pageant. When Matthew Peyton (Ryan O’Quinn) inherits the family business, the responsibility of the Christmas pageant also falls on his shoulders. But as financial hardships fall on the town, Matthew finds himself overwhelmed. As his business profits plummet and his workers begin to strike, Matthew is forced to make a decision between selling the family business and canceling the beloved pageant or sticking out hardships despite his rapidly declining popularity in the community. Through chance events, Matthew meets Clarence (Isaac Ryan Brown), a boy who believes in miracles, and his mother Sharon (Danielle Nicolet). His newfound friends impact Matthew’s life in a way he never thought possible and teach him to believe and give faith a chance.

Sounds awesome right? Well, it was a pretty good movie. I loved that it centered around a homeless mom and son who were given a better chance at life because someone wanted to help. I mean seriously that is the one reason, I carry around blessing bags in my car to help the homeless.

I also love the central theme that good can overcome evil. We just need to be patient for that moment. I also love that it is entirely family friendly and I so would recommend it to everyone I know.

So if you are are looking for a great movie for Mother’s Day weekend, check out Believe. Look for it in stores or buy it on Amazon.

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