7 Symptoms to Watch For When Going Through Menopause

When a woman comes into the part of her life where she no longer has a menstrual cycle every month, then she is going through what is known as the menopausal stage of her life. A doctor can diagnose that a woman is going through menopause when she stops having her cycle for a year or longer. This process typically occurs once a woman enters her 40s, but it is more common when a woman is in her early 50s. Though it may not be the most fun part of being a woman, it is a totally natural process and all part of our biology, and something that is unavoidable. 

7 Symptoms to Watch For When Going Through Menopause from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

With this natural process begins, most women experience a lot of physical symptoms, some that may not be extremely inconvenient, and some that just make life, not as fun. It can cause you to experience everything from emotional changes to physical changes, and thankfully there are natural and other effective treatments you can do to handle those symptoms a little better and continue on with your life as normal. Below are the top 7 symptoms to look out for that could indicate that you are going through the change.

Irregular periods

One of the first symptoms you will notice beginning to happen is that your periods will not stop altogether at one time and leave you without any periods at all. As you enter into this phase you will see your periods slowly starting to become irregular before stopping altogether. You may have one month, nothing the next, very very light the next, and very heavy for the next three months.

Vaginal dryness

You probably think that vaginal dryness is a result of just changing hormones or your body changing as a result of regular life. However, persistent vaginal dryness can be a symptom of menopause. It can be very uncomfortable which is why it is important to talk to your doctor so they can help you with it.

Hot flashes

Hot flashes are perhaps the most talked-about symptom of menopause. Hot flashes occur when you are under normal conditions and feeling very normal the whole day. All of a sudden you feel yourself get warm, then a wave of heat comes over you so fast and out of nowhere that it just about knocks you out. 

You typically get very sweaty and uncomfortable, then about ten minutes to an hour later you feel totally normal once again and comfortable once again. No one knows exactly why hot flashes happen, but they are perhaps one of the most annoying parts of menopause which could be why they are so talked about.

Sleep problems

Omen going through the change in their life often find that their sleep is not what it used to be. Either they sleep too much and still do not feel rested or they end up not ever being able to get comfortable enough to sleep, or go to bed and lay there feeling wide awake. If you feel yourself not being able to rest, trying a melatonin supplement is a natural way to help get you to sleep while B12 can help you feel energized and have more stamina throughout the day.

Mood changes

When a woman goes through their menstrual cycle, most feel as though their moods are unpredictable. They feel more agitated or on-edge, and some even feel sillier or a little more hyper. When menopause hits, women experience mood changes on a more regular basis and it can last for years until you are totally through the change and your hormones balance back out. There are some very practical things you can do for this and get control back over your mood and your life. You can control how you feel, not let it control you.

Hair loss

One of the final symptoms of menopause that many women struggle with is the loss of hair. This happens in stages and it can be very embarrassing to deal with. Thankfully there are natural remedies and best menopause supplements a woman can do that will help reverse the loss of hair and keep the hair and skin healthy for years to come.

Weight gain

As women age, their bodies start to physically change on the outside to reflect what is happening on the inside. One of these changes is weight gain or the metabolism slowing down. While a woman in her 50s will never have the body or metabolism of a 20-year-old again, there are some things she can do to help speed it back up and combat putting on too much weight.

As you enter into this stage of your life, it is very important to keep up with regular doctor visits. Your doctor can help you navigate this new stage of life and can help lessen the side-effects that you have to deal with. Continuing to seek medical advice after menopause can make your life easier and the change not as scary to deal with.

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