5 Benefits Of Having Espresso Machine In The Office
An office full of non-caffeinated people isn’t ideal. A lot of the working population relies on at least a couple of cups of coffee (most likely espresso) to get them through the day. Otherwise, things would move at an extremely slow pace. This is especially true for employees that have to sit in front of a computer all day and either crunch numbers or make sales calls. Coffee tends to keep frustrations at bay. If you’re in upper management, one of the best things you can do for your employees is to get an espresso maker for the office. There are many benefits to having an espresso machine in the office, as we will discuss below:
Motivate The Employees
Employees appreciate it when their employers do nice things for them. A simple gesture or a polite compliment from their boss can brighten up their entire day. Getting them one of the best espresso machines in stores certainly counts as a thoughtful gesture.
Investing in a machine that is compatible with k cups would also be a great option. Espresso k cups aren’t as common, but they can be a very convenient way to make espresso, plus it’ll be a little quicker. Aerial Resupply Coffee has some high quality options to choose from.
Employees are more motivated when they know that management understands their needs. By getting an espresso maker for the workplace, you effectively communicate your understanding of how work can often get tedious and how employees need a little energy boost. You can show that you’re not oblivious to their pains and that you will take action to make them more comfortable.
Increase Productivity
A lot of employees step out of the office a couple of times to go and grab a cup of coffee. This time can add up, time which can be spent writing another report or closing another sale over the phone. Now, you could counter this by imposing strict break rules on your employees or you could instead get an espresso machine for the office so that no one has to step out for coffee.
While the former should work in theory, it’s just going to make employees more frustrated and more resentful of working under you. In contrast, by having an espresso machine in the office to offer coffee to your employees, you cut down on wasted time while also making them happy.
Improve Workers Health
Research has proven that caffeine is great for our health in a number of different ways. Studies have shown links between drinking coffee and reduced risk of heart disease, liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease. How does this improve things at the workplace?
Fewer sick days
If you get employees into the habit of drinking coffee every day, their health will improve significantly. This means they’ll take fewer medical leave, which in turn results in more hours worked every year. Furthermore, good employee attendance is a source of pride for any manager. It’s definitely something you can take to your performance reviews.
Less Insurance co-pay
When employees develop serious health issues like cirrhosis or heart failure, their medical bills can skyrocket. If the company co-pays the employee’s insurance premiums, this may incur heavy costs each month. Hence, it’s a very good idea to keep your employees healthy by encouraging the consumption of coffee every day. The risk of employees acquiring serious diseases will decrease and with it, the probability of having to deal with enormous insurance payouts.
Night Shift Employees May Need It
Night shift workers have it rather tough because they have to adjust their lifestyles to stay up late. They are prone to developing a variety of health issues, mainly due to sleep deprivation. The human body just isn’t adapted to sleeping during the daytime consistently. Many who attempt to do it develop irregular sleep patterns, which can ultimately lead to severe depression.
No matter how long they’ve been working the night shift, certain employees can still have trouble staying up through the night. Not only does this affect their mental health, but it also prevents them from getting a lot of work done. Hence, a nice cup of strong black coffee could be just what they need while they’re nodding off at their desks.
When it comes to the night shift, an espresso machine could be more of a necessity than a privilege. Unlike their day shift peers, employees who work the night shift may not have the opportunity to go out for a cup of coffee, especially if their schedule has them working past midnight.
You Can Serve Coffee To Clients
If clients come to your office often, it’s nice to have something to serve them. You usually can’t go wrong with a cup of espresso as it is one of the most consumed brews of coffee. Furthermore, it can put them in a good mood before you proceed with discussing business.
Coffee is the fuel that keeps the workplace running. Without it, employees can be sluggish, and things would get done at a much slower pace. That’s why having an espresso machine installed in the workplace is a great idea. It can improve efficiency and productivity and have a positive impact on your employees’ health.
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Great points about the benefits of an office espresso machine! Keeping employees happy and caffeinated definitely boosts morale and productivity