
5 Amazing Gifts for Mother’s Day

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5 Amazing Gifts for Mother's Day

I will have to say that even though Mother’s day is a little over a month away, that has gotten me thinking about  past Mother’s days. If you asked me what I wanted most, I would tell you I don’t know. But this year I would love to get more time with the girls. They are growing up so fast and going in all different directions that I know soon, time will come that I won’t see them on a daily basis. That is how it is now with my older daughter, she is so busy studying at college that most of the time we only see her once a month. I miss my first baby girl. So if anyone asked me what I want for Mother’s Day this year, it would be time.

But I know there are some moms who still have little ones at home that loved being lavished with gifts (and don’t get me wrong gifts are great), so I decided to come up with some awesome mother’s day gifts that are out of this world.

First, you can’t go wrong with fresh flowers. Even if your kids are too busy and your husband forgets they can always order Mothers Day flowers online so, they don’t have to shop for flowers. My favorite Mother’s day gift that I can remember was when my oldest daughter brought home a clematis plant for me, I had always wanted one, but I never told her that so she totally got me.

Candy- I mean, who doesn’t love chocolate?

Bubble bath- Every mom needs a few moments to herself and bubble baths are the greatest.

Coupons to do housework- I know as a mom I would love to receive that one.

A dinner where she doesn’t have to cook or do the clean-up. My husband loves to cook, and he is an amazing cook, but he is also a messy cook. The clean-up is horrible.

Just remember when you are choosing an awesome Mother’s day gift for your mom, it is the thought behind it that counts.

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