4 Tips For Dealing With Parents With Dementia

4 Tips For Dealing With Parents With Dementia from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Finding out that your parent has dementia can be a hard pill to swallow.   Accepting that your parents are now seniors and will require a considerable amount of care can be a challenging transition.   It can be especially time-consuming if you have a family of your own to look after.   This is why so many adults turn to professional caregivers for help with their aging parents.

The road through dementia isn’t always easy. Therefore, in order to deal with the challenges, you’ll need all the help you can get.  Here are some of the best ways to deal with your elderly parents and help them navigate through this condition. 

Caring for parents with dementia often involves making difficult decisions, including the consideration of a long term care facility for Dementia patients. These facilities provide specialized support and a structured environment tailored to the unique needs of individuals with cognitive decline. Choosing a long-term care facility for dementia patients requires thoughtful deliberation, taking into account the level of care provided, the expertise of the staff, and the overall environment that promotes the well-being of those facing the challenges of dementia. This decision, though challenging, can offer families the peace of mind that their loved ones are receiving the appropriate care in a setting that understands and addresses the complexities of dementia care.

Listen To Their Wishes

Just because your parent with dementia may not have the best judgment in their current state doesn’t mean that their wishes and opinions should be disregarded.  While you may not be able to make all of their special requests possible, you can still consider them and try your best.

If they get frustrated about their needs not being met, try to explain in the simplest way possible why you’re unable to make it happen. If they have trouble understanding what you’re saying, try not to get frustrated.

Keep Language Simple

When communicating with patients with dementia, it’s essential to use simple language. Using overly complicated terms or bombarding them with questions can overwhelm them. Try to stay as focused as possible when communicating what you’re trying to say in the most simplistic and straightforward manner possible. 

Avoid Conflict

Dementia patients are known for getting flustered easily. Try to avoid conflict and power struggles as much as possible. Dementia patients are not the same as dealing with a  regular person. Raising your voice and arguing will only make things worse, potentially damaging your relationship with them. Even though it may be difficult to stay patient during high-stress moments, try to remember that it’s up to you to be the adult in a relationship. 

Be Kind But Assertive

In order to have a successful relationship with your parent, you’ll need to rely on effective communication.  Part of effective communication is getting your point across assertively. It’s important to note the difference between aggression and assertiveness.   It’s possible to express yourself and sort your limits without having to get into an argument. The idea is to avoid conflict, not to encourage it.  

You may be unsure at first of how to deal with your loved one with dementia. Rest assured that you are not alone. It’s normal to feel challenged, frustrated, and even scared about how to deal with it all. However, with enough research, patience, and effective communication,  you will make it through to the other side. 

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