11 Spring Cleaning Hacks to Save Money
Are you ready to transform the way you complete Spring cleaning? Have you felt so overwhelmed in the past with Spring cleaning that it has become a dreaded chore for you? Well, today I have the solution for you, 11 Spring cleaning hacks to save money that will make your life easier as you work on mission complete Spring cleaning!
- Use vegetable oil and baking soda to clean kitchen cabinet gunk, grease and grime by mixing these two ingredients and using an old toothbrush to scrub.
- Use vinegar to clean a broad range of household items from scissors to old stickers kids placed on things. Vinegar won’t rust out those sticky craft scissors, only use a cloth with vinegar placed on it to clean up those grimy scissors. When you find yourself with old stickers that just won’t come off, spray with vinegar then let sit for 5 minutes and wipe it off quickly.
- Warm water and soap to clean your blenders: just place warm water and a drop of dish soap in your used mixers, turn on to blend for a few seconds and dump out. Wipe dry.
- Pillow case duster: no longer worry if you have dusted your top of ceiling fan blades with this Spring cleaning hack. Place the pillowcase over each blade, one at a time, and wipe clean for easy dusting completion.
- Use shoe polish on leather furniture to restore the shine and new look appeals to your family entertainment room.
- Use grapefruit and salt to clean the rings in your bathtub. Cut a grapefruit in half, sprinkle some salt in your bathtub and use the grapefruit halves as a scrubber. No more rings around your bathtub!
- A hair dryer can rid water rings from tables: wipe the water ring until dry with a towel and then air dry with a hair dryer; the water ring should disappear within just a few moments.
- Clean window blinds with a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water along with an old sock. Mix the ingredients into a container (half and half of each), then use an old sock to dip into the mixture and wipe away grime and dust from your window blinds.
- Baking soda can remove any oil rings from carpets. Just place baking soda over oil stains on the carpet, let sit and then vacuum the area.
- Cut a lemon in half and use as a scrubber on the kitchen, bathroom and other faucets found in your home to make them shiny again.
- Use playdough to pick up stray glitter and other small items like that with ease. Simply ball up some play dough and use it to pick up little particles such as leftover glitter and other small particles that may be found at home.
There you have it, 11 Spring cleaning hacks that will not only save you money but time! There are so many hacks for household cleaning that most people never take the time to find, use this resource as a means to ensure that you are saving money while getting your home ready for any guest’s arrival.
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The tip #7 with the hair dryer, cleaning the water rings is awesome! I’m professional cleaner, but I never tried it.