What Are the Easiest Pets To Care For?
Did you know 66% of all U.S. households have a pet? Pets are great companions that can help children with their emotional and social development; they even help adults relieve stress. However, owning a pet comes with responsibilities—good pet care includes shelter, food, water, healthcare and companionship. For this reason, pet experts advise keeping only a pet you can afford to care for. Below is a list of easiest-to-care-for pets.
What Pets Are the Easiest To Take Care Of
When it comes to taking care of pets, some are harder to care for than others. Therefore, when we talk of the easiest pets to take care of, we mean pets that require minimal daily care and can be left alone for extended periods. These pets are ideal for forgetful individuals or people who work longer hours. However, remember that even though they are easiest to take care of, they still need proper care, meaning you will need someone to check on them when you’re away. Below is a list of the easiest pets to care of.
Snails are one of the easiest-to-care-for-pets. They are quiet and eat very little; they don’t smell and don’t need to be walked. Once you properly set up their glass or plastic terrarium, you only need to feed them and mist the substrate.
Their diet includes veggies and fruits, but you can give them occasional treats like bloodworms. You can also provide them with water to drink and bathe, but not a must if you mist the substrate. Remember to provide them with a calcium source to help grow their shell.
Betta fish
If you’re a fish lover, a low-maintenance Betta fish is perfect for you. While they need a proper setup (including a heater and filter to maintain proper water temperature and quality), their tank requirements are smaller than those of many other fish.
Betta fish are happiest alone, so they won’t be worried you are not home, which is also good for you because you have fewer mouths to feed. All you need is to drop them food every morning before leaving and change the water every 1–2 weeks to remove waste products.
Hermit crabs
Hermit crabs are cute, interesting and surprisingly easy to care for. All they need is a proper habitat, water and food. Their food is cheap because it includes veggies and fruits, but you can also give them pelleted food. Hermit crabs are nocturnal scavengers, but because they are social creatures, it would be best to keep at least two to prevent loneliness.
What Other Pets Are Easy To Care For
When we say other easy pets to take care of, we mean they will require a bit more daily attention than the ones above, but their overall needs are still relatively simple. Here are some other easy-to-care-for pets, according to the pet experts at Pets and Animals Tips.
These cute rodents make a perfect first pet. You need to provide them food, water and toys, especially a running wheel, all within a sizable cage with enough clean bedding to burrow. Hamsters are independent and can entertain themselves, so don’t worry that they’ll be lonely.
Cats are the second most popular pets in the U.S. after dogs. However, unlike dogs, cats are more independent. Once you feed them, they’ll keep themselves clean, and all they require is a litter box, scratching post and comfy spots to nap. While they enjoy playtime and cuddles on their terms, they’re content to entertain themselves when you’re busy.
Finches prefer their own company, so they won’t mind if you are too busy. However, they’ll be happier if you keep them in pairs. They only need a spacious, clean cage with perches, toys and a varied diet. Finches are delightful companions with their chirping and playful interactions.
While these pets are some of the easiest to care for, they still need some level of care. Always research the specific needs of every pet before bringing it home.