#Unsplurge App Helping Me Save for Season Tickets
Did you know that over two thirds of Americans are basically living paycheck to paycheck according to a survey by the American Payroll Association? Are you one of those people? Does it seem like as soon as the money comes in it goes flying out even quicker? We know part of the blame is the economy because let’s face it, it sucks. But we also have to take some of the blame as well; we sometimes buy things that we do not need. Come on let’s face it we all do this. But sometimes buy things we want instead of needed, we tended to forget to save for long term goals. That is where an app called Unsplurge comes in.
Unsplurge is a free iPhone app that was launched in April 2013, makes saving fun and social at the same time. Now I know you are asking the question how an app will motivate me to save. Well, let me explain it to you.
- You set a personal goal. With this you can enter pictures and notes to make things more personal. I am setting a goal to buy season tickets to all the Carolina Railhawks games for next year. Putting the goal in your face so to speak makes you not forget what you are working for.
- You keep a log of all your progress. I don’t know about you but sometimes when I am being held accountable for what I am doing makes it easier on me. Plus I get a great feeling of accomplishment watching things grow. This will also help you control your impulse spending as well.
- You get immediate feedback. This will help you see how far you have come and how far you still have to go. I love that.
- You also are a part of a community that will encourage you as you are trying to accomplish your goal. This will motivate you to keep up the good work and ultimately reach that goal.
- You also can encourage others as well. This will make you feel better helping others reach their goal as well.
- You have tangible proof that you can share with others how well you are doing in reaching your goal.
- It also builds a habit of savings. It tracks how many days in a row you logged your savings and gives you your props when your saving streaks keep growing. Even saving a penny a day, will create habit that will help you through life.
- It also encourages people to make a budget and to stick to them. I know that is one thing that I need more work on.
It was so easy to install and use that it will help me keep track of all those savings to make those season tickets a reality instead of a pipe dream. By the way did I mention this app is free and is 100% focused on helping you save?
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