Tips For Surviving The Terrible Twos

terrible twos

Every parent has heard about those dreaded “terrible twos.”  The stage in a young child’s life where they resemble more of a caveman than anything recognizable to a civilized human.  Hitting, biting, yelling, and full blown public tantrums are only a small fraction of this chapter of parenthood.  Follow these simple tips to survive the terrible twos without losing your mind.

Count To Three

Tantrums. The ugly face of parenthood. Perhaps you’ve seen one on aisle 5 of the grocery store.  That child that is purple in the face, rolling around, kicking all limbs while screaming “BUT I WANT IT! IT WANT IT!”

The first time it happens to you, your face flushes red and you think you must be the most embarrassed person on earth.  You begin to doubt your parenting skills and wonder how you got to this point. What have you done wrong? Stop those negative thoughts of self-doubt and know that tantrums happen with every toddler.

Harvey Karp, world-renowned pediatrician and author of The Happiest Toddler on The Block says, “Toddlers save their biggest meltdowns for their parents. We’re the people with whom they feel the safest. So you might consider your primitive little friend’s tantrums a form of flattery.”

Next time your 2-year-old child is rolling on the grocery store floor close your eyes and count to three. Remember that you are the adult and that this is a child who has no idea what they are doing yet.  They’re not ungrateful, they’re just two.  Counting to three can significantly slow down your stress and snap you out of a potentially desperate reaction.


Take some time each week to meditate and manifest thoughts of positivity and hope into your life.  Close your eyes and dream of a peaceful field.  Perhaps buying the home of your dreams. Taking that trip to Florence. Purchasing a yacht and docking in Fort Lauderdale.  Whatever floats your boat – literally! By taking time to step away from tantrums and screaming for even 5 minutes a day, you will greatly reduce your tension and be a better and more compassionate parent to your high maintenance child.

Treat Yourself

Children get rewards for good behavior, so why shouldn’t parents?  When you’ve had a particularly stressful day with your little one, treat yourself to a new item of clothing, or even an ice cream cone.  Low on funds? It doesn’t have to cost anything.  You can even treat yourself to a bath and a hot tea.  Whatever it is, make it something you like and that makes you feel happy.

Take Breaks

When you feel like you just can’t take it anymore, or when you’re just one more toy thrown at your to see red, take a break. Ask the other parent or a friend or family member to step in.  Go into a closed room, take some deep breaths and slow your breathing.  If you’re all alone, place your child in their playpen or crib, or any enclosed safe space and walk away for one minute. It’s best for everyone.

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