
3 Ways House Mold Is Having an Impact on Your Pets

3 Ways House Mold Is Having an Impact on Your Pets

I have to be honest: when my dog starts scratching more than usual or gets more frequent eye discharge than I’m used to, my first thought isn’t ever mold. It’s important to notice these signs and consider all potential causes that could be irritating your pet, including a mold allergy! Here are three ways house mold is having an impact on your pets and showing you there’s an indoor allergen that you need to address.

Skin Irritation and Itching

When my dog starts scratching, my first concern is fleas. What mind doesn’t immediately go to those pesky little bugs and the ludicrously pricey medication collars that follow? After sitting my dog down and thoroughly inspecting every tuft of fur I can, it’s time to look to other causes.

Mold causes skin irritation in pets that are allergic to it in the same way pollen and spores affect humans. Suppose y’all notice your pets endlessly scratching and struggling to relax. In that case, it’s a sign to start looking for mold as the potential cause.

Mucus Buildup Around Eyes

Skin isn’t the only part of our pets that mold spores bother. Small dogs are notorious for the eye gunk and excessive tear production that leads to wet, matted streaks below the eyes.

When my dog has irritated eyes, her body flushes out the unwanted spores and dirt by blinking away discharge. If mold is the cause, these eye boogers won’t be a one-time occurrence and will continue until I remove the mold.

Respiratory Trouble

The most worrying signs I could ever see in my pet are coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath. Any of these signs are an instant trip to the vet so that my dog can breathe easily again. In the same way that kids and adults with asthma struggle to breathe in mold-heavy environments, pets have a hard time dealing with excessive spore counts when they already have respiratory issues.

Many of the ways house mold is having an impact on your pets are reminiscent of the impact it’s having on you and your loved ones. Itchy skin, eyes, and throats across the board suggest that something indoors is bugging your family, and you need to address it.

It’s important to take your dog to the vet if you notice any of these symptoms and avoid assuming it’s mold without being certain. I suggest that while you have your pet’s symptoms checked out, you check mold levels in your home to rule it out or tackle the issue at its source.

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