The World of Puzzles
A game, a toy or a problem designed to test ingenuity, knowledge and creativity. Therefore, generally, a problem divided into pieces that form a maze of confusion, perplexity, and bemusing. One needs to put together the pieces in a logical manner. to arrive at the solution. These are often designed as a source of entertainment but can also be a product of serious and difficult mathematical and logistical problems. In such cases, the solution may be a significant contribution in the field of research starting from Mathematics to Physics, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence and much more. Solutions often require the recognition of patterns, mental agility, visual perception and the ability to think simplistic. People skilled in these have high inductive reasoning aptitude and do so by practice over a long time of varied sorts. Some of the most notable names in the field are Sam Loyd, Will Shortz, Martin Gardner, Boris Kordemsky, Lloyd King, and much more.
Variety of Types
The world of puzzles is comprised of a large variety which is designed for specific purposes. The Maze is a Tour type while there are types of Construction, Stick, Tiling, Transport, Lock, Mechanical, Disentanglement, and Combination. Logical, Word, Numbered, Mathematical and many more. Chess is one of the most renowned products of this field which includes the Knight’s Tour and the Eight Queen’s. Mathematical like the Rubik’s Cube, Soma cube. Lateral thinking types called situation problems. The genre of Word type has an extensive number that includes anagrams, ciphers, Crosswords. There are some with solutions yet to be found. The Sudoku is another very popular form which falls under the genre of Mathematics.
Factors that come into play
When solving factors like this, many factors come into play. For the brain development of a child, to keep the brain from ageing of an aged person, to keep your brain active and well stimulated we should all be aware of the factors we need to focus. Those factors include the enhancement of our visual perception, honing coordination, improvement of memory and critical thinking and the heightening of creativity.
A Brain Stimulator
Skills that require solving puzzles stress on the various parts of our brain which in turn keep our minds active help us learn and grow and act as a great source of a stimulator. The cerebrum cortex of the brain, the largest part of it associates with thought and action. Solving problems of the Mechanical, Transport, Action type helps develop the cerebrum cortex. Solving types like Word, Logical, Maze and Numbered help develop the frontal lobe of the brain since it is associated with higher reasoning, planning, problem-solving, parts of speech and movement. The parietal lobe which is associated with orientation, recognition and movement are stimulated by the use of problems like Jigsaws, Cryptographies, and Combinations. The temporal lobe associated with the recognition of memory, speech, perception and auditory skills are further stimulated with the use of problems like the Morse Code, Crosswords, Sudoku and alike.
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