
The Ultimate Guide to Stocking Stuffers

The Ultimate Guide to Stocking Stuffers from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Stocking stuffers can be one of the toughest things to shop for, depending on how your family does it. Some families use it as an opportunity to give toiletries items and other necessities. While other families put the best or most expensive gifts in stockings. No matter how yours does it, here are a few general ideas for everyone on your list.


Most moms are on their feet all day. Whether they are chasing kids or dominating the work world, they are on the go! So, get mom some items to help her relax. There is a huge variety of face masks out there that can be great stocking stuffers. Just make sure you watch what’s on the label, and trust me, don’t buy her anything that mentions wrinkles or dark circles. 

Another great idea is aromatherapy items such as lotion or body wash. You can buy the big bottles, or the travel-sized ones are super cute and fit easily in a small gift bag. Moms also tend to love doing their nails or getting them done in the salon. , Get her a gift card to her favorite nail salon or buy her a manicure set along with her favorite polish.

If all else fails, a new pair of gloves, trendy hats, or a diamond dazzle stick to clean her jewelry are all great stocking stuffer ideas.


Dads can be terribly hard to shop for if you do not plan carefully. Sometimes even they have a hard time deciding what they’d like. So if you ask them, they probably won’t know what to tell you. This is why the perfect stocking stuffer for Dad is a key finder to help him keep track of his keys makes everyone’s mornings less chaotic. Other great stocking stuffers for Dad include a Leatherman or maybe a survival kit in a can.

And if you still need ideas, try jerky, a razor subscription, or if you’re feeling especially adventurous, a zombie survival guide.


This is a tough age group to generalize, so think about what stage of life your teen is in. Are they just starting high school, are they a new driver, or are they preparing to leave for college? The more you think about the phase of life they are in, the easier it is to plan gifts. For your teen just starting high school, consider getting them gift cards to their favorite fast food places so they can grab lunch a few times. If they’re a new driver, maybe some small items for their car such as a cute air freshener holder, compact flashlights, or a small basic tool kit. If they’re leaving for college in the next few months, consider getting them a Chatbook of pictures to remind them of home.

Generally speaking, favorite snacks, a favorite perfume or cologne, or maybe an iTunes gift card, are all great options no matter the phase of teenage-hood they are in. 

Younger Kids

This really depends on the interests of your child. Do they love cars, princesses, reading, something else? This is a good place to start. Car lovers will love Hot Wheels or track building kits. For princess lovers, there are mini princess sets. Some kids simply just love books. So, get them books or a gift card to buy books.

Other small items you could include are a favorite candy bar, crayons, or maybe some color changing bath tablets.

Babies and Toddlers

Most kids won’t remember what they got for their first few Christmases, so, it’s best to keep it simple. Buy them things they need like socks, hats, bibs, etc. If you want to make it more fun, consider getting them teething toys, rice rusks, new sippy cups, or a placemat/bowl combo that sticks to the table. Add in some Puffs or some bubbles and you’ll have a stocking your baby will enjoy.

Happy stocking stuffer hunting!

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