Restored and Renewed

Disclosure: This is a sponsor post on behalf of Wholeport. I will be creating crafts from the samples they send me and blogging about them. No other monetary compensation was provided. All opinions expressed are 100% mine.

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Yesterday I wrote about the situation with my neighbor and the dog and how she reacted. So I humbly took to my blog last night to place a heartfelt apology saying that the post was not intended to hurt anyone it was just how we felt. Well that gesture did not work. Instead I have been verbally cussed out and flat out lied to so I decided that sadly ties with this neighbor would be broken. Put negative in you get negative back but if you think positive than  guess what you get back yep positive things. So instead of being drawn into a verbal battle that would cause so much stress. I decided to leave the situation and focus on more positive things. And boy do I feel good right now. I am going on no sleep for almost 30 hours now and I have never felt so alive in my life. Worked on something today to get my creativity flowing and it has been a freeing experience. I could literally feel the peace surrounding me as I focused on being positive and I loved how things turned out.


First let me start by saying that every month I get a package from Wholeport to create a craft with. This month I chose fabric because the cushions on our porch chairs needed some major help. I have always been one to not throw out anything and using the fabric that I got in exchange for this post I got a new patio set ( at least brightened it up) and a new outlook as well. As you can tell by the above picture my cushions needed a lot of help. I absolutely love the fabric I picked out. I did not know that when I picked it that I would need something so bright and sunny to help calm my mood and have me singing while I worked. ( I know song is whistle while you work but I am afraid I never learned to whistle. Another little secret you now know about me.)

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Just look at those colors so bright and vibrant, that is what being positive should look like. I spent an hour making these cushions come to life.
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Look at the old sitting beside the new. I took this picture with them side by side so you could see the difference of positive outlook and a negative outlook. Now look at the finished product.

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By focusing on being constructive instead of destructive I was able to make my porch welcoming. At the same, I became refreshed and renewed.  Sorry this post was a little preachy but I was lead to post it this way.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers Galatians 6:7-6:10

So what have you created today?


afm sponsor postDisclosure: This is a sponsor post on behalf of Wholeport. I will be creating crafts from the samples they send me and blogging about them. No other monetary compensation was provided. All opinions expressed are 100% mine.


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  1. I just love your positive outlook here! Kudos! Those renewed seat cushions sure would put me in a great mood too! Very lovely and happy material! Thanks for sharing this 😉

  2. I haven’t created anything today, unless you count writing my blog. I do admire people who are creative like you – loved the new cushion covers! Your words about being positive are very timely: someone who I thought was a close friend has been distancing herself from me. I’ve tried to talk to her about it, but am getting nowhere. I think she may be jealous of a new friend, but don’t know for sure. Recently she said something very disrespectful to the husband and daughter of someone who had just died. I believe in being honest too, but not under those circumstances! I have now decided to concentrate on other friendships and, like you, in being positive.

  3. Cute cushions! You are absolutely right, positivity and creativity can make a body feel good. Sometimes there is just no pleasing people, and you have to do what is right and healthy for yourself. Hang in there, and enjoy your warm and inviting “new” patio furniture. 🙂

    Just stopping by from UBC…

    Life With Lorelai

  4. Very descriptive post, I enjoyed that bit. Will there
    be a part 2?

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