
If you could go back in time and do something different what would it be??? I have had time to reflex on nthis question alot lately. May is normally a really hard month for me- It has gotten easier in these past 16 years but that doesn’t make the hurt go away. You see 16 years ago this month, I lost my sister Karen to cancer. I am the youngest of 4 girls. My 2 oldest sisters were a lot older than me but Karen was only 3 years olders. She was the one I shared all my secrest with, the one I grew up with, and mostly importantly the one I shared a room with growing up. She was also my best friend and I have yet to find anyone to replace her. Have you ever wished if I only knew then what I know now than I would have done things differently? I would have cherished the time I had with her more. She was so excited right befor she died that she going to be an aunt times 2. One of my older sisters was pregnant with her first child- a boy and I was pregnant with our first, Maddie. I so wanted her to be involved in Maddie’s life. She would have been an awesome aunt, but that was not to be. She died in May and Matthew (my nephew) was born in August and 5 weeks later Maddie was born. We had thought about naming her Karen- but we knew it would just bwe to hard and to soon after her death to name her that. We decided that we would honor her by using it as a middle name- adding it to the 2 names we had already picked out hence Madeline Karen Marie was born. My Maddie whi when I look reminds me everyday of my sister. I believe that Karen is the guardanian angel for all three of my  girls and she personally had a part in sending them to me.
Love you and still miss you Big Sis and Best Friend.

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One Comment

  1. I would try to be a better daughter. My father passed in 2006, but we had a rocky relationship when he and my mother divorced. I have written about it on Mommy Does… not expressing my anger in a hateful manner would be what I change.

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