Popular Recipes By State
What are your kids demanding for dinner tonight? And what about your significant other? Is it possible they could be influenced by their geographical location? The boffins over at CashNetUSA thought so. They decided to do some research into which American states are googling which recipes most often, to try and get a clearer picture of what the nation likes to eat – or at least what the nation’s chefs are opting to experiment with!
The results were quite surprising, and you may need to speculate quite deeply if you want to find an explanation. Why, for example, is mochi the most commonly searched recipe in Hawaii? What even is mochi?
Well, mochi is a super-cute form of Japanese rice cake. In Japan, they even have a special ceremony to accompany its preparation – it’s called mochitsuki. Mochi is kind of like marshmallow in its texture and tastes soft and a little bit sweet.
As for those recipes, making mochi is quite easy – the toughest part is finding the ingredients. You’ll probably need to locate a specialist Asian food shop to get hold of mochiko (sweet rice flour) and katakuriko (a fine Japanese vegetable starch that is used as a thickener). Mix a cup of the flour with ¼ cup sugar, then add a cup of water. Microwave it for four minutes, and then dust it with katakuriko. You can add fillings or food dye to make it more exciting!
But why was everyone googling it in Hawaii? Well, in case you didn’t know, at least 17% of Hawaii’s population is Japanese or has Japanese heritage. Add this to the fact that mochi is often eaten at New Year, and you can see why the figures might look so odd from time to time.
That is the tale of mochi and Hawaii, but for a peek into the peculiar recipes that other American states are googling most often, check out CashNetUSA’s infographic, which packs all of the data into one handsome map. Maybe it’ll give you some fresh ideas on what to cook tonight!