Midweek Moment: Help Me Out, God Are You There?


I am proud to say that this will be a weekly post by my wonderful and beautiful friend, Beverly. She is part of a marriage ministry that will rock your socks off. Not only is she talented, but she is the probably the most genuine person I have ever met. She has agreed to write a post for me every week for the sole purpose of encouragement. I love her writing and I am just glad she is going to be a regular on this blog.  Check out the end of the article to find out more about her and her wonderful site, Intentionally Yours.


Help Me Out, God Are You There?

No kidding, I have been physically attacked by killer GRITS!! It started with me surprising my husband with a country sausage breakfast. Yes at the age of 43, I finally attempted to make my first helping of grit or is it grits? So I bring the water to a boil & “guestimated” how much of the white specks I needed to add to the pot. You would have thought the half stick of butter I added was like some kind of high powered ammunition! Out of nowhere it was like a bomb exploded. They shot up to the ceiling, landed in my freshly boofed hair, left burned spots on my fingers and arms, like miniature grenades they started to invade my kitchen.  There were grits on the stove, cabinets, countertop & my freshly mopped floor, and I have yet to figure out how they ended up in my nose! For just once can’t I come away from the kitchen looking elegant like Rachel Ray!!

You ever had one of those days or even weeks when everything you tried to do right ended up wrong? Maybe it was with your marriage, your finances, a relationship with a child or a friend, a situation with your health or even your job. If you are like me, there have been times when I have thrown my hands up and said I just do not understand!  God’s word assures me that it is during those times my God’s plan is always accomplished! No matter how things look or feel to me, I am going to trust him, pray for strength, relinquish it and know that he is working out even my WORST circumstance. Yes, my friend God’s plan IS accomplished without fail. He is still in charge and he has not lost control of the situation. 

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, according to HIS purpose.” Romans 8:28


Beverly Weeks is an energized Christian speaker who is devoted to encouraging couples with God’s inspired Word. She has written numerous online devotions, blogs & articles to exemplify powerful, practical biblical truths to couples standing for their marriage and family. Candidly & transparently, Beverly shares the grace, hope & redemption that Christ offers to all and their marriage relationships. Beverly speaks from personal experience, a confident faith and a zealous passion, proclaiming encouraging messages of hope. She engages women’s groups, churches and conferences with topics such as Battling Low Self Esteem to Healing in Your Marriage. Beverly presently serves with Intentionally Yours, a marriage focused ministry, facilitates Art of Marriage conferences and is a Homebuilder Catalyst for Family Life Ministries.

I am proud to call her my friend. Love You Girlfriend and I am so excited that you are doing this for me. Hope you encourage others as much as have encouraged me.

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  1. Beverly, what an amazing reminder that God is in control even when the grits are sticking to the ceiling!! Love you and the way you hit God’s Word home for me. Thank you for sharing!!!

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