Lab Grown Diamond Rings: The Exceptional Choice

Lab Grown Diamond Rings The Exceptional Choice from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Diamonds are the greatest awe-inspiring treasure that the world has to offer, and we can all conclude that they really are a beautiful natural creation. Diamonds have also been widely used in a variety of other applications, especially in jewelry pieces like rings.

Diamond rings are regarded as the pinnacle of marriage, representing everlasting love. It has been used for thousands of years—engagement diamond rings—to symbolize the commitment of two people who would love and adore one another for the rest of their lives. However, because of the spectacular beauty and symbolism of diamond rings, these are often expensive.

Nevertheless, with the assistance of significant knowledge and study, researchers have discovered ways to extract the natural resources of diamonds and utilize them in the most practical way, which is eventually employed in jewelry, where lab grown diamond rings are produced.

What are Lab Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds—or often referred to by many in their different names, such as synthetic diamonds, cultivated diamonds, or artificial diamonds—are diamonds created in a contained laboratory setting using various procedures that closely mimic naturally formed diamonds.

And, because they are made up of carbon, lab-grown diamonds also have the same molecular and optical properties as real diamond crystals formed by the earth’s geological processes. Furthermore, the fascinating aspect about lab-grown diamonds is that their price is lesser than real diamonds and continues to fall year after year.

So, if you are to choose what brilliant stone to use for your engagement ring, then don’t hesitate to pick from There are a lot of jewelry stores that offer stunning lab-grown diamond rings at a very reasonable price.

Moreover, let us move to how exactly lab-grown diamonds are made.

How are Lab Grown Diamonds Created?

Lab-generated diamonds are created by replicating the processes used to create natural diamonds, which entail millions of years of exposure to extreme heat and pressure to convert carbon atoms into stunning and fascinating diamonds.

However, lab-grown diamonds only take a couple of weeks to be made. The procedure begins with a term called diamond seed, which is a small bit of diamond. It is then confined within a unique container meant to simulate temperatures in the Earth’s crust. Afterward, since it is coated in pure carbon, it will gradually develop into an artificial diamond that is chemically similar to a diamond.

Furthermore, two techniques are utilized to generate lab-grown diamonds: High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). The HPHT applies intense temperature (about 1,500 degrees C, or 2,700 degrees F) and pressure (1.5 million pounds per square inch) towards the diamond seed and the carbon atoms that encapsulate it. Meanwhile, CVD or the Chemical Vapor Deposition utilizes minimal pressure and temperature rather than injecting a combination of chemical vapors that decompose and solidify into crystalline carbon atoms.

Nevertheless, the end product is still the same with either method: a lab-grown diamond manufactured from nothing in a couple of weeks.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Genuine?

Because lab-grown diamonds are created artificially, you would exactly wonder if they are still genuine. And we all know that certain jewelry retailers offer expensive yet fake similar diamonds–cubic zirconia, which is disappointing. However, lab-grown diamonds are not like that. Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds, except that their price is much lesser than the real ones. 

Lab-grown diamonds have the same overall components as diamonds; it just happens that it is made and graded and not mined. They are also pure crystallized carbon as diamonds. So, overall lab-grown diamonds are real, which is why there is no need to doubt and worry. 

Furthermore, lab-grown diamonds are exceptional yet the ideal and less expensive stone used in engagement rings. So, if you are on a budget and still prefer to go shining diamonds, then go for the rings embedded with lab grown diamonds.


Diamonds are one of the world’s most beautiful natural stones. However, not everyone can afford such. Nevertheless, due to the advancement of technology and wide research, diamonds may now be totally recreated and reduced in price.

This is the case with lab-grown diamonds. It is an artificial diamond created from a piece of diamond that has gone through intensive procedures similar to diamonds, except that the process is shorter—High-Pressure High Temperature or Chemical Vapor Deposition.

Furthermore, lab-grown diamonds are genuine, for the compositions are just the same as the real diamonds. So, many jewelry stores have gone into lab-grown diamonds for it strongly resembles the real diamonds at a lesser price.

Rings are one of such masterpieces created from lab-grown diamonds, and many people have drawn them since they are much cheaper than the real ones. So, if you are looking for cheaper jewelry pieces that still have the elegance and dazzle of diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are the perfect option for you.

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