How To Keep Calm When You’re Ready To Go Into Surgery

It is totally normal to feel anxious if you are scheduled for an upcoming surgery, especially if it’s your first time. In most cases, the same feelings overwhelm a person even if it is not their first time to go through surgery.

There are so many things to consider when you are about to have any surgical procedures, especially with anesthesia. You may fear what the physician will discover, or just the idea of being in the hospital premises frighten you.

You must be physically and mentally ready to go into surgery. In fact, if you feel calm and in control, then it can even make your recovery faster with the right tools. The following are four ways to keep calm when you’re ready to go into surgery:

How To Keep Calm When You're Ready To Go Into Surgery from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

1. Breathe and relax

Deep breathing involves the progressive relaxation of muscles. You can also sign up for meditation programs that can help slow down your racing heart, regulate your breath, and calm your mind and overall body.

These meditation techniques can help you cope with the days leading up to your surgery, including immediately before the session. Being able to feel deeply helps you feel peaceful and removes you from that fight-or-flight response.

2. Visualize a calmer you

Around 85% of your thoughts come from your unconscious mind. So, you have to keep positive thoughts to increase the likelihood of being calm.

  • Envision a calm version of yourself: Try to visualize yourself as a more relaxed and comfortable as you are being escorted to the surgery or operating room.
  • Imagine this: Also, try to imagine that you are at home, or in the hospital, and you are informing your loved one that you are feeling comfortable and relaxed for your upcoming surgery.

When you feel deeply relaxed, you begin to have positive beliefs about the surgery and know that you are about to have good surgical results.

3. Talk with your family, relatives, and friends

How To Keep Calm When You're Ready To Go Into Surgery from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mo

One way to put yourself at ease before a surgery is talking with your family, and intimate circle of friends. This creates an important support group that can help you cope with your anxieties pre-surgery.

  • Express your feelings and fears: Tell them everything you feel about the idea of going through surgery and your emotional state of mind. Is the idea of getting admitted to the hospital terrify you? Are you hopeful or do you have fears for the predicted results of your surgery?
  • It liberates you from anxieties: Talking about your mixed and intense feelings about the surgery helps liberate you from any frustration or trapped anxiety about your current situation and the future.

4. Know more about your condition and the surgery

Spend some time doing research about your current medical condition and the surgery you are about to have. This helps you feel better about the operation. Also, be informed about why you need to go through the surgery and its success rate.

If you focus on the likelihood of feeling better after the surgery, then it can help lessen the negative feelings and fears about your upcoming surgery.


Keeping yourself calm before a major surgery involves mental meditation, visualizing a calmer you, talking with your loved ones, and having knowledge about your condition and surgery. If you need health and hospital coverage, there are health insurance available. Knowing that you do not have to worry about any expenses also helps keep you at ease.


[su_box title=”About the Author” box_color=”#abbeef”]

Jessica is a professional health expert who works for some major health industry giants. She currently writes for Membersown and is dedicated to helping people learn more about health-related topics along the journey. When she’s not a health advocate, she enjoys some downtime traveling or talking with family.[/su_box]



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