Got Milk??? We Didn’t

Okay for the most part, I think I have a very positive blog but I need to vent about something. Gracie wanted to get  a milk from the school cafeteria. They told her she did not have any money on her account. She gets free lunch so DUH why would I put money on her account. She was in tears because of it. When I questioned it, they said that students can not charge a la carte items, but they can charge whole lunches, if they owe money. By the way, she doesn’t owe money. If she wanted the whole meal she could have gotten the milk for free. There are children at this school that owe over $100 or more for lunch  and still continue to charge. But yet, the one day that Gracie brings her lunch from home she is not allowed a simple milk even though she has free lunch. Now, tell me, what is wrong with that?  Has anyone else had a similar experience?

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  1. YES! It happened to ME! I was in high school and received free lunch. I asked to get a milk for my lunch. They asked me to pay, and I didn't have any money on me or in my “account” which wouldn't have had money since I was on free lunches.
    Well, to get a milk they had me go through the line for a whole meal. I did it since it's what they told me to do so they got “credit” for that day.
    Well, I sat down and ate my sandwich from home, with my milk from the line.
    Our cafeteria manager came over and told me I had to pay for my school lunch. I asked why and she said it was because I already had a lunch, and went through the line for a meal also. Since I wasn't eating the meal it would be considered an a la carte item. I said well, I can give the meal to so-and-so who didn't get to get a lunch.
    She said it didn't matter and that I would have to pay unless I ate their lunch.
    Soggy corn dog, starchy french fries, and corn. Syrup ladened peaches. So, I had to charge it.

    I'm sorry this happened to your daughter.

  2. Wow..I can't believe they wouldn't give her a milk! I don't understand what difference it makes if she gets the whole meal…or just the milk.

  3. I am in the same situation > My son get reduced lunch 0.40 for a lunch and IF he gets a lunch yes he can get milk if not it is 0.40 for milk .. I have fought with the school and nothing worked as they told me it is because people owe money on their acct. the Most being abut $ 600.00. This is why we all get the fallout .. I make sure IF he packs he has money for milk.

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