Five of the Biggest Myths about Couponers

PrintWith years spent in the couponing game, I’ve learned people have all sorts of wild ideas about coupons and couponers. You’ve undoubtedly heard the tall tales but now it is time to set the record straight.
Let’s debunk five of the biggest myths about couponers.

We spend hours clipping coupons each week.

You might watch some TV shows and think couponing is a full-time job with all the clipping involved. And certainly some couponers do clip all the coupons they can find and put them in a binder or box to carry to the store.

However, at, we advocate for a less time-intensive form of couponing. We recommend our members file away their Sunday inserts by date and then only clip coupons when they need them. The same goes for printable coupons – only print when you need them. Our Enlightened Shopping lists on the site direct members to the right insert or website so they can quickly find the right coupons.

Rather than spending hours each week clipping coupons they may never use, SavingsAngel members may spend less than an hour a week clipping and organizing.

We’re tightwads who are obsessed with saving 25 cents.

But you may be thinking an hour is still a lot of time to spend in order to save a few cents. That brings us to another common myth: that of the skinflint couponer who is obsessing over pennies.

Of course, couponers are a thrifty bunch, but they aren’t obsessing over small potatoes. Instead, savvy couponers know they can save 50 percent or more off their grocery bill when they combine coupons with sales. Just last week, I got $83.58 worth of items at Walgreens for only $12.51. In my book, that doesn’t make us obsessive tightwads – it makes us smart shoppers.

We’re cheats who are gaming the system.

Due to a few high profile cases, some people assume couponers who save big must be scamming stores. However, most couponers are playing by the rules and simply finding the best of the best deals.

For example, most stores allow you to use both a store coupon plus a manufacturer coupon on an item. Save those coupons for the right sale and you can get groceries practically for free without doing anything unethical.

We live on highly processed, boxed foods.

If you think couponers are living on Hamburger Helper, you might be surprised to learn there are plenty of coupons available for produce, meat and organic foods. Saving money and eating healthy are not mutually exclusive.

We have SavingsAngel members who eat only whole foods, and my own diet leans toward lots of fresh fruits and veggies. A popular tactic is to use coupons to get products like shampoo, deodorant and cleaning supplies for free using coupons. That frees up money in the budget that can then be used to buy those foods that don’t typically go on sale.

We have a 500 bottles of mustard in our basement.

Thanks to the show Extreme Couponing, we’ve been pigeon-holed as extremists living with bunkers filled with enough baby wipes and ketchup to last through at least two Armageddons. In reality, while smart couponers may have a well-stocked pantry, they know not to buy more than they need.

For example, sales often run in 12 week cycles. At SavingsAngel, we suggest our members stock up during good sales with only enough to get them to the next sale. If a family has something expensive looming in the future – such as a potential lay-off or a new baby – they want to buy more. However, our members know it is silly to clear the shelves buying items they will never be able to use before they go bad. Through their individual abundance, our members and friends have collectively donated millions of dollars in products as well over the years.

There you have it. Couponers are not wacky hoarders or junk food junkies. Instead, they are regular people who are smart enough to not want to pay full price for their groceries.




Josh Elledge is the Chief Executive “Angel” of SavingsAngel, Inc. – launched from his Holland, Michigan home in January 2007. A husband and father of three, he now appears each week on television, many radio stations and newspapers, teaching families how to cut their grocery bill in half using the Internet. Elledge created the technology found on through the desire to save his own family’s money. Successfully able to cut his own grocery bill from $600 a month to less than $300 a month, his message has reached hundreds of thousands of families. is now growing rapidly throughout the country. You can watch a short video at that will explain more information about how to cut your own grocery bill in half with the help of

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