Daily 5-Minute Habits to Keep a House Clean

Daily 5-Minute Habits to Keep a House Clean from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Most people fail to realize just how much work comes with owning a home. The average person will spend around 2 hours a day straightening up and cleaning their residence. If you are tired of wasting this much time on cleaning, now is the time to make a change. Keep reading to find out some daily habits to keep a house clean.

Allowing a home to get dirty will usually lead to the spreading of germs and problems with pests like bed bugs. Figuring out how to beat bed bugs is only possible with the help of professionals. Rather than letting the cleanliness of your home lead to these pest infestations, you need to adopt daily cleaning habits.

Here are some important 5-minute habits to keep your house clean.

Schedule Nightly Cleaning Sessions

Most people have to hurry to get out the door each morning. Trying to clean up during this time will only add more stress to your day, which is why you need to focus on straightening up a night. In most cases, you will have more time to dedicate to this task at night.

Before you start this nightly routine, make a list of the areas you want to address. Doing this will allow you to stay organized and avoid wasting time. Ideally, you want to focus on things like getting laundry washed, sweeping floors or putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Taking care of these important tasks is the only way to keep your home clean and appealing.

Making Your Bed is Important

Getting up and looking at your phone for a few minutes is a waste of time. The time you spend doing this can be better invested by performing various cleaning tasks. Instead of laying in bed unproductive, get up and start the day by making your bed. The last thing you want is to come home after a long day at work with a messy or unappealing bed.

While performing this task will take time, it will be worth it in the long run. The best way to make this task a bit easier is by reducing the number of blankets and pillows on your bed. Storing extra pillows in a trunk near the bed will allow you to put them on the bed and take them off when needed.

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