Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a set of several substances – retinol and its derivatives, as well as beta-carotene and some carotenoids. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, so it is stored in fat tissue and in the liver. In the human body, vitamin A has a number of extremely important functions, including inter alia induce the immune system actions, as well as playing an extremely important role in the process of vision. It is also commonly used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin. In animal products, it occurs in the form of retinol and plants product Vitamin A as beta-carotene.
Actions of Vitamin A
Vitamin A has a wide field of actions inside our organism. It takes part, inter alia, in the synthesis of proteins as well as in lipid metabolism. Participates in growth processes and the ability of cells to regenerate. It protects against the development of colon, breast and lung cancer. Vitamin A is very important for our eyes, taking part in the process of vision. It supports the renewal of the epidermis, protects the skin against excessive loss of water, and is a building element that builds the skin. Eliminates wrinkles and discoloration, gives the skin elasticity and a definitely better appearance. What’s more, it supports acne treatment.
Vitamin A Dosages
The dosage depends, among other things, on how old we are. And so in:
- children from 1 – 3 years of age it is 400 ug per day
- up to 6 years old – 450 ug
- from 7 – 9 years of age 500 ug.
In the case of adolescent
- boys: – 600 – 900 ug
- girls 600 – 700 ug
Adults should take:
- Women – 700 ug
- Men – 900 g
When it comes to pregnant women, the dose is 750 – 770 g, and women feeding 1200 – 1300 g.
Vitamin A sources
The largest amounts are found, among others, in chicken liver, in pork and beef liver, in cheese, eggs, butter, and eel, as well as in curd and toasted bread. When shortages are significant, however, turn to Vitamin A supplements of the best quality.
Vitamin A deficiencies
The reason for the Vitamin A deficiency is above all the problems with its absorption. If this is the case, it is necessary to check what is the cause of. Another problem may be poorly composed diet, excess alcohol consumption, and smoking.
Symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency include rough skin, vision problems, especially dust blindness and delayed accommodation in the dark. Vitamin A deficiency may result in the dry eyeball, low immunity and susceptibility to infection, changes in the nervous system, as well as very frequently occurring inhibition of growth. In women, menstrual cycle disorders and fertility problems may occur.
Vitamin A overdose
If vitamin A is taken in amounts larger than the recommended one, it becomes toxic to the body. There may be irritability, stomach problems, changes in the skin, enlargement of the spleen and liver symptoms. Skin pruritus, headaches, convulsions and photophobia and problems with losing hair and breaking nails are very common.
In the case of pregnant women, the excess of vitamin A may cause the development of congenital defects in the fetus. In the case of a diet, you cannot overdose vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene.