6 Things To Avoid Buying for Your Home at Thrift Stores

6 Things To Avoid Buying for Your Home at Thrift Stores

Now y’all know I love a good deal, but there are some things I will never buy at the thrift store! Sometimes, we like to think that we can use all the bleach in the world, but that isn’t the case with certain items. If you’re looking to save a few bucks on some cute furniture and décor for your new home or apartment, here are six things to avoid buying for your home at thrift stores.


When people clean out their houses, they tend to throw whatever they don’t want into a bag and send it off to Goodwill.

Generally, the staff must check each product to ensure its quality. Unfortunately, they may miss a few things because of the high amount of donations they receive every day. This is why thrift stores provide electrical outlets so that you can test out the items yourself.

However, if something works at the store, that doesn’t guarantee that it will work when you get home. Psst! Some electronics’ batteries expire after so many years, and you might get the short end of the stick when you bring one home.


OK, y’all, this one should be obvious! There are over 7 billion people in the world, which means there is an infinite number of bacteria and germs that we shed when we sleep.

Commercial disinfectants aren’t industrial-strength cleaning solutions, so the Lysol at home won’t remove all the germs from the bedding you find at a thrift shop!

Bedding includes pillowcases, bed sheets, comforters, and more. Try looking for good deals at department stores, like Kohl’s or Ross, to find clean yet stylish bedding products.

Keep in mind that bedding can get expensive unless you create a budget for your apartment expenses that include your bedroom accessories.

Beauty and Toiletries

Some thrift stores resell beauty products like used mascara, makeup brushes, and mouthwash! Y’all, that’s gross! Avoid these items at all costs unless you’re looking for a quick trip to germ-town!


Similar to bedding, you should never purchase undergarments, like panties and bathing suits. Clothes are totally fine, but try not to buy something that has touched people’s private parts!

If you’re looking for a nice swimsuit, you can find lots of deals at retail stores during the off-seasons. Many stores try to get rid of those products to make room for new stock.

Stuffed Animals

Try to avoid buying stuffed animals from the thrift store as well. Sorry y’all, but those harbor lots of bacteria that thousands of children may have shared before donating to your local thrift store.

Throw Pillows

Many people are unable to wash their throw pillows due to the delicate materials used to produce them. So when they donate their pillows to the thrift store, you purchase their germs.

Additionally, it may cost more money to restore and maintain it because it might’ve lost its fluff and pizzazz. Y’all, their better days are behind them!

As you look for preowned items, watch out for the above six things to avoid buying for your home at thrift stores. In addition, decorating your apartment may cost a pretty penny, y’all.

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