Writing is my passion!! Is it yours?
I love that I can blog about anything and everything that I feel like. Blogging has become such a big part of my life that I cannot imagine my life without my blog. Don’t worry I am not talking about ending the blog, in fact, it is the exact opposite. I want to help others start writing blogs. Some people get into writing blogs because they think about money and see what other bloggers are making but believe me it is not all about money. Sure it is nice and it does pay the bill but if you are getting into blogging just because you want to make money then you may lose people. I have found that writing my blog at the beginning was a way for me to express myself and yes I do make money from it. But that was not my intention, to begin with; it is just something that kind of fell into my lap. With that said there are companies out there that will pay you to write articles for them and if you are able to get hooked up with one of those companies that are awesome. But remember who you are writing for- you and your readers and if you feel uncomfortable writing about a certain subject you can always say no. There are many companies who are willing to pay you just have to know where to look for them. Here is my advice to you join several blogging groups sometimes in those groups bloggers share that one of the companies they write for are looking for other advanced writers as well. Apply for any blogging job that comes around remember you always have the right to refuse a job. And lastly, keep writing do not be discouraged if one company turns you down because there will always be another company who comes along that is the perfect fit for you and your blog.
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