Wow! What an Experience at Wow Summit #WowSummit

I received complimentary tickets to attend this conference.


As you have probably remember, I was super excited to participate in the #WOWSummit hosted by Moms Meet. It didn’t disappoint. I learned so much from this two-day conference that it will take several blog posts to write about all that I learned and all the experiences Laura and I had.

Not only am I going to tell you about our stay at the Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center and the fantastic place we ate in separate blog posts. But I am also going to write about the sessions I attended and the helpful information that was shared.

Let me start by saying that this was my very first big blog conference. It will be one that I would totally consider attending in the future.


The speakers from our general sessions were amazing. And the individual workshops were out of this world. However, I didn’t get to attend the ones I wanted to because we got there a little late. But I knew someone how that God had a plan for me.


Remember when I wrote  that I was reading the book Uninvited , that there was a part in the book that just stood out to me. It was about how when Lysa TerKeurst, the author, was attending a conference and was feeling for lack of a better word, UNINVITED. I vowed after reading that part to search out people who were sitting alone. Guess what? That is exactly what I did. Isn’t it amazing the timing of God’s messages to us?

Here is one of the pictures of heeding God’s words.


Oh, and did I mention the amazing exhibits that were at the conference. I can’t tell you the amount of swag (FREE product) that we were given. Not only did we get swag as we were walking around the exhibits – taste testing and chatting with companies. But we also received a big pink shopping bag full of swag.


We received the pink shopping bags at the end of the conference. We had to turn in our badges to get it. I think this was the only thing I didn’t like about the conference; we didn’t get to keep our name tags. But I guess this is a small sacrifice to make to receive a huge amount of swag.

If you haven’t been to a Mom’s Meet Conference, I highly suggest going to one. It is a fantastic conference, and the amount of swag you receive makes up for the cost of the conference. Also, make sure to check back for more about the individual sessions I attended.

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