Why bagless vacuum cleaners are the future!

Why bagless vacuum cleaners are the future

Vacuuming the house falls into the same category of housework as laundry. As with laundry, every time you think you are done, more appears. The same can apply to vacuuming—the dust is back again!

Aside from the benefit of cleanliness, a vacuumed house is also important for health (removing allergens and pollutants); maintaining the floor (extending the life of surfaces); pest control (removing crumbs that attract pests); comfort (oh! the pleasure of walking barefoot on a newly vacuumed surface); and aesthetics (it all just looks that much nicer).

That said, vacuuming doesn’t have to feel like a chore. The right vacuum cleaner will do most of the work for you. This author’s vacuuming experience has been revolutionized by switching to bagged vacuum cleaners due to the advantages they offer over bagless ones:

  • Hygiene and allergen control: Bagged vacuum cleaners have sealed bags that trap dust and dirt better than bagless cleaners. Thus, when emptying the cleaner, there is less chance of dust, etc., escaping back into the air.
  • Odor – often, the models have bags or filters that neutralize odors, helping to rid the house of smells caused by cooking, pets, and young children. (Those commas are important!)
  • Convenience—Emptying bagged vacuum cleaners is more convenient than emptying bagless ones. Simply remove the full bag and replace it with a new one. Bagless models require emptying the dust canister, exposing the user to the dirt and dust contained.
  • Maintenance – bagged vacuum cleaners require less maintenance. There is no need to clean or replace filters as often and the internal parts of the machine are exposed to a lower risk of dust or dirt clogging any part of it.

There are factors one should consider before choosing a bagless vacuum cleaner. Though there are plenty of sites that offer lifestyle advice, including advice on these matters, allow me to summarize the key considerations: 

  • Bag quality, capacity, and replacement – obvious, but some models have higher-quality bags that trap dust more effectively. The additional space of a big home and/or pet fur may mean you need a model that holds a larger bag. Is it easy to replace the bags? Choose a model for which bags are easy to find in shops.
  • Suction power: Smooth surfaces do not require as much suction as thick carpets. Discuss your needs with the selling company to ensure you find a model that suits your individual needs.
  • Durability – buy from a company with a good reputation for reliability and durability. A vacuum cleaner is an investment – invest wisely.
  • Versatility and noise level – ensure that the model has all the different attachments you need and, especially if you have young children, or live in a noise-sensitive area, or you struggle to sleep and like to vacuum at silly-o-clock in the morning, consider the noise that the model makes when in use.
  • Filtration system – the filtration system on the model directly affects the air quality in your home. A ‘high-efficiency particulate air’ (HEPA) filter is considered one of the best, and has been known to remove up to 99.97% of particles in the air.

Choose wisely, choose sustainably, and choose according to your needs.

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