What Happened when I Got Skeptical about Plexus

Today we have another  guest post from Misty.  She is continuing her journey with Plexus, if you missed the first post you can check it out here


I had been using Plexus for about a month and I was feeling great! Could it really truly be the Plexus, or is it all just in my imagination?  I decided I was going to stop taking it for a week and see.

Plexus just sitting there.

Let me tell you biggest mistake I have ever made. The first day was not so bad I felt a little sluggish but thought I had just over done the weekend. By day two the pain was back with a vengeance. I could not believe that this is what I felt like before Plexus. The pain was unbearable.  I could hardly move. With every step and every lift of my arms I cringed. I just wanted to crawl in my bed and sleep till the pain was gone. I did it! It was tough but I did it. I made it through my work week but not without a few tears and many naps. By the end of the week I had decided that this is it I will be using Plexus for ever! I don’t want to feel that way ever again.


I am Happy to say I have my Plexus back and I am doing better than ever. My work productivity had greatly improved. I am active and have even begin  to walk a little after work.  To top it off even  my kid have seen an improvement in me. They are so glad that happy mommy  is back!


Weight  wise I am currently down 13 lbs I dropped one pant and one  shirt size! I have lost 5 inches in my waist and 3 inches in my hips. So not only  do I feel great I am looking great too. I want everyone  to know how wonderful  Plexus  is. My goal is to help as many people learn and become health with Plexus the way I did. I am here to answer any questions  and guide you on your journey.

misty allen

Misty is wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Her family is her life and photography is her passion. She is an independent Plexus ambassador. She loves the beach and outdoor. Her dreams are to travel and photograph the world.

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