Tips to Reduce Mom Stress

Tips to Reduce Mom Stress

Each and every day, moms everywhere perform the miracle of parenting. They play the part of nurse, chauffeur, maid, cook, mediator, and teacher, just to name a few. Whether they have one child of five, the joy of being a mother can be diluted with the average flow of daily stress we all encounter at one point or another. Here are few things you can do to ease the struggle.

 A Hot Bath

You come home from your child’s second basketball game this week. Little Johnny needs to finish his homework and is complaining all the way to the kitchen table to get it done. Dinner still needs to be fixed, your sweetheart of a hubby just came home from a really hard day, and you just noticed on your way past the laundry room that you forgot to put the wet clothes in the dryer and they now have to be rewashed, because they soured. You need a hot bath. A good old fashioned hot bath is famous for helping melt away the stress of the day. Light some candles, play some of your favorite music and don’t be afraid to take a short nap in the tub.

 A Night Out With The Girls

 How often do you just get out of the house with the girls? Get dolled up and paint the town.  Don’t get me wrong. We love our kids with every breath we breathe, but just like any other issue that gets to you more than it should, sometimes it’s a good idea to take a break and come back to it later. A night out with the girls lets you concentrate on you for a while. After all, if you don’t refill the pitcher of you, you won’t have anything to pour out to your family. It also helps solidify your friendships with other adults. There are only so many times you can get excited about finding all of Blue’s clues.

 Sleep In

We all know that we need our sleep and it is scientifically proven that women need more than men. Take the extra time to recover. Go to bed a little earlier than usual and sleep in a little longer. Ask Dad to help out with this scenario maybe once a week. It will help you to multitask better, utilize patience more often, and think of solutions to problems that you might normally not be able to reach out for because you are sleep deprived.

Being a mom is awesome!! It can also be very stressful. That’s not to say that when we look back one day on everything we had to do to give our children the best, that we will be anything but grateful for the opportunity, but being able to destress along the way will give us the ability to make those memories even more valuable and more sentimental.

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