The Choices that Make a Roof Stand the Test of Time

The Choices that Make a Roof Stand the Test of Time from NC Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

When choosing a roof for your property, whether it be for the first time or because a replacement is required, certain elements need to be considered, for which it can be beneficial to explore this Ultimate Homeowner’s Guide to Roofing to ensure that you make an informed decision. Weather is arguably one of the most important factors that needs to be taken into account, and a good deal of research needs to be conducted in order to select the best materials that provide comprehensive protection for all that lies beneath it. A Roofing Company In Amanda, OH will take care of such a project and think for you as to what considerations need to be made. However, if you want to be more hands-on with the process and the decision-making, then this article may be of help to you, too.


Asphalt shingles remain the most cost-effective roofing material and are ideal for householders constrained by budget.

In terms of longevity, slate as a roofing material will last the longest. It has been known to have a life expectancy of 150 years. That is as long as a giant tortoise from the Galapagos Islands can live for. It will outlive all those living inside the house by quite a margin. So, if you want your roof to last for future generations who will continue to own the property, then slate is an excellent material to consider.

A modern householder looking for a durable roof will often go for a metal alloy. This will usually be a blend of aluminum and/or steel, although it is not uncommon to see zinc or copper used. It may surprise you to know that metal roofs represent one of the lightest of roofing materials and are so easy to handle in that respect. Although it is lightweight, metal roofing can also be thought of as strong as well as durable. It will stand the test of time, lasting longer than common roofing materials, albeit not as long as slate.

An excellent choice where there are strong winds is fiberglass shingles because they are sturdy and far less likely to warp or break when extreme forces and temperatures are involved because of your location. A well-maintained property will mean that the shingles can withstand the strongest of winds.

Roof Shape

Many consider that for them the peaked, pitched, or gable roof is the right one for them. It is recognizable by its triangular shape. The advantage of such a roof is that it will shed both water and snow more easily if you have a fair amount of either. Also, it will provide some attic space and allow for additional ventilation. Choosing the right roof shape will take care of your future needs.

A flat roof does have advantages, too, in that it can accommodate an HVAC system or solar panels more effectively. Many households will turn a flat roof into a rooftop garden. From a construction point of view, these kinds of roofs will take up less space and so use less material to build than a sloped roof. This makes them cheaper to construct if you are on a tight budget right now.


Once the material and the shape of your roof have been decided on, you will also need to think about insulation. This is how you will retain most of your heat and lower future heating bills.

A good choice for an energy-efficient roof is clay tiles, such as terracotta ones. White and smooth materials will help with reflectivity when it comes to heat.

The type of insulation used for roofs includes spray foam, blanket or matting mineral wool, rigid insulation bards, or loose fill. All these help retain heat in a roof. Your roofing contractor can take care of this for you. Not only should a roof be regularly maintained, but its insulation should also be checked to ensure that the heat you have paid for is not escaping.

It is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to roofing these days to consider its insulation as well as how long a roof will last in terms of it being a good investment.
In summing up, so that our roof lasts for as long as possible, we should look for a material that is known to last and can withstand the elements. Slate will last the longest but other durable materials will last for a fair amount of time relative to cost. The shape of the roof will depend on the purpose that you want the roof for, in addition to protecting yourself and your contents. You may want to choose wisely so that you do not want to change your roof type. Then, insulation will make your roof energy-efficient over the years and so save you money on heating bills.

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