Telltale Signs of Alcoholism

Having alcoholic drinks occasionally is fine, but sometimes, it does get to a point beyond that. The more frequently someone drinks, the bigger the risk it is of them becoming reliant on having a glass or two to relax and unwind. Until one day, without necessarily realizing it, the glass or two becomes a bottle or two, or three, or more. If you notice someone leaning more on the bottle than usual–it could even be yourself–it’s understandable that you would feel worried. To better understand what you’re dealing with, here are some telltale signs of alcoholism to watch out for.
Looking for Reasons to Drink
Reasons could be just about anything: a long day, a good day, the approaching weekend, someone’s birthday. The list is virtually endless. And if looking for reasons to drink is no longer enough, then they would start making up one.
The more reasons that come up just so they could justify the drink in their hands, the more likely it is that alcohol abuse could be an actual problem.
Keeping It A Secret
A person suffering from alcohol abuse would know to be discreet or at least try to be, about their habit. On the outside, they will try hard to put up the pretense of normalcy.
They will try many different, creative ways to hide their drink, being fully aware that if they’re seen often enough with it, people are going to ask questions. They might start mixing it in with a regular drink, such as coffee or soda. Soon after, they might have mini bottles on them for backup supply.
If they’re very good at hiding their drinks, you could try looking the other way instead. Look for empty bottles. Usually, they would hide these in the trash or under the sink, but these things could pile up faster, and so could be easier to spot.
Change in Attitude, Demeanor, Interest in Socialization
When someone who was otherwise sociable suddenly seems withdrawn and disinterested in socializing, it could be indicative of a problem. Of course, it’s not necessarily alcoholism per se, but noticing the change in their behavior or demeanor could further alert you to more red flags, and thus be better prepared to reach out for help as needed.
They might prefer to drink alone, first at the bars, and then eventually, simply staying inside their house so there won’t be any more interruptions. Because the situation has now escalated to a point where they’re determined to keep it absolutely private, it might be more difficult to determine the gravity of the situation.
But still, they would try to make it seem like everything’s okay and normal, so they might show up at a party or gathering, if only to dispel budding speculations about their state. In that opportunity, it would be great if you can try and catch them slipping in an extra shot in their drink, or if they’ve had one too many.
If you think you’ve got enough information about alcoholism to take it to the next step, which is to set up an intervention for them to get treatment from centers like Gallus Medical Detox Centers ( then it’s time to seek professional help so you can carry it out successfully.