Help Your Toddler Overcome Their Fear of Water: 5 Practical Tips for Parents

Help Your Toddler Overcome Their Fear of Water: 5 Practical Tips for Parents

Many young children aged 1-2 experience aquaphobia, causing anxiety and fear of water. To help your toddler overcome this fear, consider talking to them, immersing them gradually, joining them in the water, providing fun swim gear, and enrolling them in swimming lessons. Patience and understanding are crucial in this process.

Health Impacts of Contaminated Water at Camp Lejeune: Understanding the Consequences

Health Impacts of Contaminated Water at Camp Lejeune: Understanding the Consequences

The military and a private dry cleaner contaminated two water systems at Camp Lejeune with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), resulting in prolonged health consequences among veterans, families, and civilian workers. These VOCs, including trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene, have been linked to various health conditions such as kidney disease, neurological problems, cancer, and congenital disabilities. Efforts to provide aid to those affected by this contamination are underway.