Life Hacks for People with Visual Impairment
If you’re blind or partially sighted, there are multiple ways to enhance your life for the better. By taking advantage of tricks and techniques, you can learn how to perform everyday tasks with confidence.
Though you’ve probably already discovered unique techniques for different functions, this article will inspire with ideas you might not have thought of. If you’re reading this article on behalf of someone who is blind, thanks for your cooperation. Usually, the longer you’ve had a sight condition, the more accustomed you’ll be, and the more natural things become.
This article is especially useful for those who have recently developed sight problems, but it can be used by anyone who’s affected by eyesight issues. These tips will help you lead an independent life, and with a bit of imagination and a never-say-die attitude, you can achieve great things.
At Home
Keeping things in the same place is a great place to start and to ensure others don’t move things from positions you’re used to. Do not leave things where they can be bumped into because the last thing you want to do is create a hazard. It is easy to fall and hurt yourself, or occasionally even damage something you’ve bumped into.
Microwave cooking is a convenient method for the impaired, and there are various models which can be adapted especially. Modern technology has facilitated unique products like talking microwaves, and there are various other gadgets to help you lead a regular life.
Use an Emotional Support Animal
There are creatures to guide you through everyday life, and with an emotional support animal, you’ll receive trained and qualified assistance. Not only will you gain a companion, but your life will become easier with the help of a well-trained pet. Guide dogs are great for the blind and visually impaired, and you’ll gain a functional friend too.
Get a Customized Shirt
With a customized shirt that highlights your visual impairment, people are made fully aware of your status. This is advantageous because people will be instantly aware, and will treat you accordingly. You can even poke fun at yourself with a humorous shirt, which will tell people you’re not deterred by your impairment and are susceptible to fun like anyone else. Companies like ThatShirt sell custom t-shirts and have a unique service where you customize apparel to meet your individual preferences.
If you can read with a magnifier, sit close to light or use a reading lamp over the shoulder. If you can see the television, sit close to the screen, and use visual aid magnifiers where possible. They can take some getting used to it, but they are highly beneficial. If you’re fully blind (in which case I acknowledge someone will be reading this on your behalf, so thank you), Braille is a great option to help you stay in touch with the world.
There are various mobile phones available for the visually impaired, including large keypad phones with numbers that can be keyed without relying on sight. You can pre-program numbers for people you contact regularly, and set shortcuts to make things easier. There are different pieces of software that can be installed on mobile phones to assist people, and telephone directory inquiries for the visually impaired.
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