Is Your Job Harming Your Mental Health? Here’s How to Cope

Is Your Job Harming Your Mental Health? Here's How to Cope

It’s Sunday eve, and you’re quieter after a fun weekend you didn’t realize was going so fast. Despite such a great time, you can feel the anxiety creeping into your body while you count the hours for the workweek to begin. Relatable? Well, we all are sailing in the same boat. 

What you’re going through is likely to be accumulated work stress caused by your job. And it’s very common. In fact, around 64% of working adults experienced severe work stress in 2019 and 2020, as per a survey by American Psychological Association (APA). But you can’t avoid your job. Hence, experts advise finding effective ways to deal with your everyday work stress and create a healthier work environment for yourself. In this blog, we’ve shared some of the most helpful ways you can cope. 

Tips to Handle Work Stress

  • Identify Your Triggers: Start by figuring out what triggers your stress at the workplace. It could be that you skipped the morning breakfast, which made you cranky, or you’re taking too much work pressure, which can be managed. Whatever it is, make sure to write it all down and find a healthier way to respond in such situations. 
  • Try Relaxation Techniques: With constant work deadlines, it is easy to feel stressed and anxious at moments. Instead of suppressing the physical symptoms of stress, confront them with relaxation techniques. Box breathing is regarded as the most powerful way to control your rapid breathing and bring back the calm to your body. 
  • Try Herbal Supplements to Relax: Oftentimes, stress becomes unmanageable. To avoid that stress level where you can’t control your thoughts, one should take herbal supplements regularly. Cannabis, for instance, is a great herbal medicine to manage stress, anxiety and for body relaxation. Millions of Americans here prefer to buy cannabis products from stores that provide delivery services as it’s a convenient option for customers. 

Ashwagandha, lavender oil, chamomile, and ginseng are other sources of herbal supplements that you can try. 

  • Take a Break to Recharge Yourself: If you’re at your workplace and you realize things are getting out of hand, it’s better to take a break. If needed, ask your manager if you aren’t able to concentrate and need a short break to revitalize yourself. This will distract your mind from the stress and will allow you to unwind so that you can concentrate better. 
  • Improve Your Sleeping Pattern: Did you know sleep deficiency can hamper the healthy functioning of your body, affect productivity, and cause frustration, as well? Thus, it is imperative for working individuals to take at least seven to eight hours of sleep every day. Following a proper sleep schedule will help you stay energized and productive throughout the whole day. Hence, prioritize your sleep. 

Final Thoughts 

Work stress is common, and frankly, you can’t escape it. So, instead of worrying about why you are feeling stressed and frustrated, it’s better to figure out how you can handle the situation. Initially, it might feel overwhelming, but eventually, you’ll know your stressors and will be better at managing them.

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