How to Save Money During the Holidays
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…except when it comes to money. You can plan as much as you want and work as much overtime as you like, but your bank balance will always somehow take the same hit. It’s incredibly difficult to save money this time of year, but if you’re determined to do so, here are a few tips that may help.

Watch Your Spending
You can set as many budgets as you like, but they’ll always be broken. There’s always another toy you could buy for the kids or another Christmas treat you spot in the grocery store. Many of us spend far more than we actually need to, so it’s important to watch what you’re spending. Don’t buy unnecessarily and remember about all the little purchases first. Sure, you’ve got to buy presents for the family but remember to pay bills first, put money aside for events and travel and other unexpected costs.
Say It, Don’t Spend It
It’s easy to go overboard this time of year because we want people to know how much we care about them. In fact, many of us will gift give instead of voicing how we actually feel. You can save your bank balance from taking a hit by giving one meaningful gift and expressing how much you appreciate the people in your life. Gifts don’t equal love.

Turn It Off
We use the gas and electrics more than ever at this time of year and sometimes we don’t even think about it. We’re at home more often so appliances, lights, water, and the rest are used in excess. So, while you’re at home, make sure to switch off the lights as you leave the room and turn off the air conditioning if you don’t really need it. When you call out someone for home a/c repair you can ask some tips on how to spend less. Get the family into the habit of switching things off when they aren’t in use and you could save yourself a small fortune.
Secret Santa
Buying for everyone is a huge financial burden at this time of year but it doesn’t have to be. Why not take part in Secret Santa? Put everyone’s name in a hat and each person takes a turn at drawing a name. The name you get is the person you buy for. That way, everyone only has one person to buy for instead of everyone. It also saves people getting a ton of unwanted gifts and wasting money.

Make Cheap Traditions
The last thing you want is for your family to expect a trip to Lapland every winter. You don’t have to spend a fortune on Christmas traditions. It could be something as simple as hot chocolates and a Christmas movie on Christmas Eve. Why not go and watch some local carolers or attend a church service? Not only does it create a community spirit but it gets the entire family into the tradition of giving to less fortunate too.
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